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Paris Museum Pass - worth it?

Hi there -
I'm traveling to Paris in July with my husband and three children. We'll be in Paris for 5-6 days. We plan on spending a day in Versailles. Other days will be walking around, eating sweets and seeing what we can see, including (we hope) Louvre, D'Orsay and Pompidou. Is a museum pass worth it for my husband and myself? I understand that children are generally free admission to museums.
Thanks for your advice!
- Bijal

Posted by
5267 posts

I think the Museum Pass is definitely worth it.
Having said this, you may want to do the math to see if it's worth it for you.
Keep in mind that the Museum Pass includes entry to the Versailles Palace.

You may also consider getting the Navigo Découverte week pass which will cover transportation to/from Versailles.

Did you book your Eiffel Tower tickets already?

Have a wonderful trip!

Edited to add...

Here are a couple of recent posts pertaining to your question:

Posted by
6107 posts

I think it is definitely worth it. You might find yourself going to additional places that are included in the pass and with the pass you don't have to feel like you need to stay a long time at a place to make it worth the ticket. The Paris Museum Pass includes the roof of the Notre Dame and the Arch de Triomphe, both things I think children enjoy. I think kids typically enjoy the Orangerie (Adults too), the scale of the water lily paintings is just something you need to see. Also there are some Renoir and Cezanne that I enjoy seeing, and the Orangerie is small so its not exhausting/overwhelming, and its on the Paris Museum Pass. In many cases, the PMP allows you to cut the ticket line, which is very worthwhile especially in the summer. I will also mention the the views of Paris from the Pompidou at dusk is absolutely stunning!

Posted by
6107 posts

Lines at Versailles are nuts!! If you can, get there a half hour before it opens.

Posted by
14 posts

Thank you for your responses.

No, I have not booked Eiffel Tower tickets. I simply didn’t think of it. Is that recommended to do in advance? I’m trying to strike the right balance between being over-scheduled and not missing not-to-be-missed things!

Orangerie! Perfect advice...

Posted by
6107 posts

Some people buy tickets at the Eiffel tower to walk up the stairs instead of the elevator. It is cheaper and the line is shorter. You can go to the first level where the views are supposed to be the best anyway. From there you can take the elevator down or pay for a ticket to take the elevator higher.

Posted by
8262 posts

If you don't book the Eiffel Tower in advance plan on spending at least two hours in line unless you plan to walk up - - that lne is shorter. Depending on the ages of your kids, you might want to rethink Versailles. The Chateau is a real crush and a bit of a nightmare for younger kids whose experience is entirely a crush of adult butts and not being able to see anything.

Posted by
2349 posts

I would also advise skipping Versailles. I was there in October, alone, and got in pretty quickly with my museum pass. It was so hot and crowded and the only way out is to follow along with the masses. I had a few "wow" moments, but they were outnumbered by the "get me out of here" ones. I am not overly claustrophobic. Again, this was in October, not July.

Look at the Paris Museum Pass website. There are a lot of other chateaux that are nearby. Fountainebleau, etc. You should find something either castle-y or palace-y to suit you.

Don't try to get all of your pass visits into 2 days. Buy the 4 day pass or even the 6 day. It's worth it.

Posted by
492 posts

I also think the Paris Museum Pass is a good idea. Something that's no longer mentioned much is that you can drop in at any of the listed sites for a bathroom. Maybe that's considered gauche but we've found it very helpful. Another thing is that you can pop into a museum on a whim as you're walking around Paris. Sometimes the building itself is as interesting as the contents. Maybe you'll discover something you like. If not, you can be in and out quickly with no expense.
The Pass is covered in RS France and Paris books. Keep in mind that the Pass has to be used on consecutive days in whichever denomination you choose (2, 4 or 6 day options). We have found that arrival and departure days are too full of those activities (settling in/ packing up) to make the PMP useful, so maybe a 4 day Pass will be good for you.
I hope you and your family have a ton of fun in Paris. There's a nice little playground behind Notre Dame that our granddaughters liked.

Posted by
10 posts

The Paris Museum Pass is worth it for 80% of people. Add up the sites you plan to visit within a certain number of days, and compare it to the cost of the pass for those days. With just four sites, it may or may not be worth it, depending on how many days you're devoting to those sites.

Posted by
3 posts

I bought the museum pass, and we visited 4 museums in 2 days, and were able to skip the lines at all! It was sooooo worth it!

Posted by
14 posts

Thank you all so much!

I think we will go ahead and purchase the 4-day pass.

Last Q (about this...) - do I purchase it on the first day I want to use it or can I purchase it beforehand and activate it separately? Can I purchase the pass at train stations?

Posted by
2349 posts

You can purchase it in advance. All you do to activate is sign (maybe) and put the date on it. But be sure to use the right date. June 7 would be 7/6/18 in European dates, not 6/7/18. You can also wait until the first museum, and they'll have a date stamp.

Posted by
5 posts

We are in France now and purchased our pass at the CDG airport (can use credit card and purchase from the tourist info booth) before we started our trip to Normandy, the Loire and Paris. We won't use it until day day 9 of our trip. On the first day of use, preferably in the morning, you write the start date on the pass. The covered days start on the first day you use it. Hope this helps. Bon Voyage!


Posted by
15686 posts

The PMP website has a list of all the places you can buy the pass. Even if it costs you a little more with the pass than you'd pay at the sights you anticipate seeing, it's worth it for the convenience and the ability to "just pop in" to a sight you are near on the spur of the moment. Then if you only see one or two sections, you are left with the feeling that you didn't "waste" the entrance fee, or worse, spend 15 minutes agonizing whether it might be worth the fee to go inside.

Posted by
2349 posts

They've got such a great website. Depending on the ages of your kids, you could have them look online and pick things they'd be interested in.

Posted by
5697 posts

Also, with PMP you can break big museums down into easier-to-digest bites over several days or go back on an evening when a museum is open late.

Posted by
360 posts

We thought the pass was worth it -- both from the price an the ability to skip lines (e.g. the Louvre) and we did the version that added on the metro fares. However, just be prepared that not all of the sites were as expeditious with their lines as others (yes, I'm looking at you, Orangerie and Orsay). As for the Eiffel Tower, i think it also depends on whether you want to be up there at a specific time. We did a Sunset Tour, which was pretty cool, and you'd be incredibly lucky to time that on your own with waiting in line. As for Versailles, we got there about 20 min. before it opened and keep in mind that the biggest part of the line is the security line (which the Museum Pass will never bypass). We were faster than most others and were in the Hall of Mirrors with maybe two other people -- so for us, it was worth seeing. But by the time we got out, the security line looked pretty horrible, so I'd go early or very late in the day.

Posted by
1062 posts

One of the seldom mentioned benefits of the Museum Pass is that if you ever need to use a restroom, just go to one of the lesser known museums and walk on in. The restrooms are always clean and free in the museums.