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Departure from CDG - A cautionary tale for British Airways travelers

This post offers some advice for those departing Paris via British Airways.

At CDG, British Airways is remarkably understaffed and lacks proper resources if a problem arises. On Monday, our flight from CDG to LHR was cancelled. While BA texted and emailed us - once we were at the airport in line for close to two hours, the reader board behind the BA counter still said our flight was on time. As the line slowed to a crawl, the readerboard caught up and advised of the cancellation.

There were a total of five BA counter stations. One for WORLD TRAVELER and other elites, one for baggage check-in if you had boarding passes, three for everyone else. We were in line for close to 2-1/2 hours. Good we got there early.

The only reason we were in line in the first place is because we had been unable to download our boarding pass the night before; we do not check baggage. When we tried to check-in on-line, BA had informed us that our birthdates were incorrect. Both my wife's and mine. The same birthdates that we used successfully four weeks earlier to fly to France on BA. The same birthdates we have had all our lives. No, it was not a DDMMYYYY MMDDYYYY error.

We soldiered on and got to the counter where we learned:

1. The birthdate issue is a common problem. With our passports, they could and did correct that.
2. Since our new departure was more than 24 hours away, they could not print boarding passes for Tuesday's flights.
3. They only have two phone lines that they can use to call London to resolve issues. (More on this, later.)
4. Yes, it would be best for us to simply go back to Paris, enjoy the afternoon and download our boarding passes once we were within the 24 hour window.

So, back to Paris, off to the Musee Orangerie, back to our NEW hotel for our 5th night in Paris and onto BA's website. No, we cannot get our boarding passes. There is an "issue" with our tickets. We must go to the counter at the airport.

So, Tuesday, we are back. Once again, the line looks like it will be close to two hours. Essentially the same staffing and configurations as Monday. We get to the front of the line that we have been in for close to 2 hours. No, they cannot issue boarding passes, we are too early for our flight from Paris to LHR; boarding passes will only be available at the counter starting two hours before departure. My response: If they are available "on-line" within 24 hours, you must be able to generate them here at the counter. We have been told "on-line" there is a problem with our tickets. Here is the message we got via email. We are not getting out of line and away from this counter without boarding passes for BOTH our flights. CDG to LHR and LHR home - or at least without some other, definite travel plan. We need to identify the "issue." The agent goes to check with another agent, and then with a supervisor.

There are other BA passengers with similar issues as we are experiencing. BA keeps trying to send them away or suggest that they come back later, since they (like us) are "too early" to do whatever. Some accept that; others do not.

What we learn: BA counter agents in Paris must CALL London to find out what is going on. They cannot re-issue or change anything on their computers in Paris. They cannot learn what the "issue" is on their computers in Paris. After about 45 minutes, with one agent and her supervisor working this online and via telephone, we learn that whatever the issue was had been resolved and we get boarding passes for both our CDG-LHR and LHR-SEA flights. Once we have cleared security and passport control and check our watches, we see that we arrived at the airport about 3 hours 15 min. earlier.

We are not yet to the gate, though we are close and we are still two hours from departure. We have boarding passes in hand. Life is good. BUT ALLOW 3-1/2 Hours for BA/CDG Departures.

UPDATES 16 & 27 Nov. 2023, below

Posted by
1973 posts

What we learn: BA counter agents in Paris must CALL London to find out what is going on. They cannot re-issue or change anything on their computers in Paris.

If this is true, which it is not, then they are telling you they have no centrally shared reservation or computer system. This would make them the most outdated airline in the industry in the world.

Hopefully you are on your way home. It sounds like a pure lack of customer service management/supervision problem solving. Typical everywhere nowadays.

Posted by
463 posts


Unbelievaable as this sounds, we watched the agents making calls before our very eyes, two days in a row. This was due to our issue, as well as issues of other passengers. Whether their explanations were accurate, I express no opinion. Clearly, staff could do SOME things on-line, yet other actions required phone calls, which we were told went to London.

Indeed, BA did get us re-booked and home the following day (Tuesday). But my point is: ALLOW EXTRA TIME for BA if your city of departure is Paris. BA's Paris/CDG airport counter is not well staffed, yet BA has multiple flights a day from Paris to LHR.

BTW, the 5 total counter positions were staffed by a total of 8 persons, two who appeared supervisory, one who appeared to be a trainee and yet there were times when 2 or 3 of the staff were just sort of standing around while many would-be passengers were in line. Only on the second day, about 1-1/2 hours into our 2 plus hours there did one of the supervisors actively manage the backlog by sending some passengers in lines to counter positions where staff were assisting nobody.

Posted by
2352 posts

Fred - thank you so much for this! We are due to fly Sunday, CDG-LHR, LHR-LAS. It took us 3 days to make the short flight to CDG from LHR after cancellations and we are dreading what turn-up could happen on the way home. We will allow the extra time as we will be checking bags.

Posted by
1157 posts

I wish I could say it was a BA problem, but we had an similar experience with Air France. I dislike CDG and will do anything to avoid flying out of there!

Posted by
463 posts


My wife wants to seek recompense from BA. It would be for $275 for the hotel, dinner, breakfast and the RER ticket back to CDG. Can't ask for the price of admission to the Musee Orangerie, which we enjoyed.

IMHO, it is not worth the time or bother. I read stories all the time about people being out far more money with no justifiable reason by the airlines. I am quite sure that BA will say that an equipment issue - or NATO Air Defense Maneuvers on Monday June 12 - were "beyond their control" and blow us off. The flight was cancelled. We got an extra 1/2 day in Paris that we used to our advantage.

I put this "out there" to advise folks to get to CDG at least 3-1/2 hours before departure, at least if they fly BA.

Posted by
739 posts

Rats. Adds to the stress I already have by using CDG in the first place. Yes, flying BA and most likely on the same flights you were scheduled on Fred.

I was planning on 3 hours prior, but that is before departure. I’ll keep checking the forum and see if this subject continues. If so, we’ll get there even earlier. At least we’re staying at the airport the night before the flights.

Posted by
7357 posts

IMHO, it is not worth the time or bother

There are companies that handle compensation claims against a 25% success fee. Airhelp is one I used in the past - unsuccessfully due to the bankruptcy of the airline in question, and thus I paid nothing for the service.

Posted by
8613 posts

We fly through CDG and Amsterdam-Schipol when we fly from the USA, since we go with Delta. Never had a problem at CDG.
The airports that I avoid like a plague are JFK and Chicago O'Hare.

Never flown on BA, but I have heard several complaints from other travelers.

Posted by
6657 posts

Fred, we had a problem with BA a few months ago, and filed a claim for the $200 or so the missed flight cost us. The claim was approved within 4 days, and the funds were in our bank account within two weeks .

We had to upload copies of our receipts and boarding passes, and give a brief description of what happened.

The hardest part was figuring out how to scan the documents.

I suggest you go ahead and give it a go.

And thanks for your story and advice.

Posted by
13 posts

I wonder if this had anything to do with the MOVEit hack/breach suffered by BA?

Posted by
641 posts

Wow, this would make me want to murder someone. Fred, the European laws regarding compensation from airlines are much more progressive than anything in the US, so IMO you should definitely file a claim for compensation.

Posted by
463 posts


Thanks for your thoughts. We will go ahead and submit a claim with appropriate documentation (already compiled into a single PDF).


When you get a lemon, make lemonade. That's why we went back to Paris and went to the Musee Orangerie. While our dinner that added, unscheduled evening was simply OK, we had a lovely conversation throughout our meal with a couple at the next table, from Montreal. They were near the end of their 2 month stay in Paris.

Claim now filed ... easier than I expected.

Posted by
7462 posts

Guess we got lucky our flights to Europe were cancelled 6 hours before the flight. The BA customer service was great. We were rebooked with another airline and actually arrived before our BA flight was supposed to arrive. On our return we were upgraded on our Heathrow to Baltimore flight to business class.

I did file a claim with BA for the difference between the premium economy flight to Europe we paid for and the economy flight we were rebooked on. We’ll see if it gets approved. The email says BA is experiencing extremely high volumes and it might take a while.

Since Covid BA has been very unreliable.

Posted by
463 posts


Per Jane's recommendation (and Ponygirl's, as well), we went and filed a claim. Two months later, Radio Silence from BA, despite my request a few weeks ago to BA for a status report along with my inquiry whether they needed further information or documentation. We are only asking for about $325 ... for one night hotel, dinner for two and the RER fare back to CDG.

I doubt we will ever fly on British again. Never liked them in the past, though in the past I had only felt that they were merely rude. After our esxperience in Paris and their continued lack of responsiveness, I would change that from rude to hostile.

Posted by
6657 posts

fred, I'm awfully sorry to hear that. We were delighted with the quick response we had from BA this year. It's disheartening to hear that you received no help of any kind.

Posted by
2352 posts

It took us a month to get our reimbursement, but we flew after you did. Have you tried posting your issue on the British Airways FlyerTalk forum? Along with people on this forum, they offered very helpful advice on how to submit our convoluted claim ( we had 2 cancelled flights, 2 separate booking claims and 2 separate duty of care situations). The veterans on the BA FlyerTalk forum respond pretty quickly.

One place we did find a difference was how much time to allow. Thanks to your helpful advice we arrived 3 hours early and were about third in our line. However, they didn’t open their kiosks until about 2 hrs. before flight time. Thankfully, we were at close to the head of the line.

Posted by
1274 posts

Ha! Geovagriffith, I avoid NY/NJ airports like the plague 😂 our home international airport is O'Hare. If course they can all be bad, or good, at any time.

Posted by
7462 posts

I’m still waiting for my refund from BA, but at least I get a weekly email saying it’s sorry it’s taking so long.

Posted by
463 posts

Well, four weeks ago I again asked British Airways for response. Since then, they have stopped sending me notices that they are working on my claim.

So, today, I am sending them this follow up response to their "We're on the case" message from nearly two months ago:

BA continues to provide me NO information about the status of my claim .

I continue to update the Rick Steves Travel Forum about how BA is doing on this.


If any sage travelers have other advice, that would be great. Some of you, in the past, were encouraging about the BA claims process. I can't even seem to get a response that says that they are denying the claim due to circumstances beyond their control, let alone a positive response to a claim for a re-imbursement for one night in a 3 star hotel, a modest dinner, breakfast and the RER fare back to CDG.

Posted by
2810 posts

BA is having a particularly bad summer. I read posts on Flyertalk and the are routinely having crisis after crisis.... Their IT system appears to be having epic issues.

It's not uncommon. The major carriers all have this bizarre IT structure where they just keep bolting on features and patching... most of them need a complete re-engineer but that's a daunting undertaking

Posted by
9436 posts

Fred, thank you for posting your story and for your updates. Terrible time you’ve had with BA. I hope you get your refund.

I’ve been flying in and out of CDG regularly for 57 yrs (since i was a kid), and have never had any kind of problem. I believe others when they say they have, i’m just saying i never have.

Posted by
2352 posts

Have you had any luck posting on the FlyerTalk British Airways forum? They have some people who either work for British Airways or know a lot about how their system works.

I am so sorry your problem remains unresolved.

Posted by
463 posts


Perhaps I should do as you suggest; you had success where I have not. But I am not interested in spending more time on another forum over this. I have submitted my claim. I am following up with BA. I will continue to keep RS Forum observers posted on BA's progress - or lack of progress - so fellow RS Forum users can learn of our success (or lack thereof) with BA.

At this point, it's not about me or the $325, it's about all 'out there' who have given us kind advice through this Forum for our travels and those have solicited advice about travels.

Posted by
463 posts

UPDATE. Now more than 3 months since our little $324.77 claim filed with British Airways for one extra night in a hotel, dinner for two, and RER train fare back to CDG. BA has acknowledged receipt of the initial claim, and has yet to make any substantive response.

Nor has BA responded to follow up inquiries that I filed with them on July 25 and again on August 26. I sent a third follow-up inquiry to BA today.

Also, on 27 August 2023, I submitted a notice to La Direction générale de l’aviation civile (DGAC), Le bureau des passagers aériens. They seem to have done nothing other than ask for documentation, which was of course originally submitted to them but then, at their request, I sent it a second time.

DGAC offered a link to a mediator.

Just wanted to keep all the Rick Steves' folks updated on that wonderful travel assistance we have come to expect from BA. The good news, of course, was that BA did get us out the next day of our flight from CDG to LHR and then LHR to SEA (Seattle) ... and at least we got to have an extra afternoon in Paris at the Orangerie and a nice conversation at dinner with a lovely couple from Montreal.

27 September 2023 UPDATE DGAC just sent an update:

We already have asked British Airways for further examination of your claim. Their answer is due within 6 weeks from now.

Posted by
463 posts

Well, 6 weeks (from the notification that we received from DGAC in Paris have come and gone. (More than 4 months from the original claim.) Still, BA still has not responded, despite the inquiry from the authorities in France.

So, despite the kind suggestions from Mona & Jane & Ponygirl (above) and our filing the claim with BA, the suggestion that BA would cover the $325 added cost for the extra unplanned day seems to NOT be in the cards.

At least we had a nice couple of hours at L'Orangerie and that pleasant conversation with the French Canadians at the next table during dinner on our extra night in Paris.

Posted by
902 posts

this is true, which it is not, then they are telling you they have no centrally shared reservation or computer system. This would make them the most outdated airline in the industry in the world.

Apparently you don’t have a lot of experience with British Airways because yes they do have one of the most antiquated systems in the industry and this is a common occurrence that it is not properly working so you have to call the main off to get them to fix things. Frequent-travelers hate it. There’s a reason the British Airways forum is the busiest one on Flyertalk.

Posted by
9095 posts

I can understand why you are frustrated. I am going to suggest another approach which will help get at least some of your expenses covered and that is to apply for EU 261 compensation which should be 250 pounds for your flight. While I have never submitted expenses to BA, I have filed for compensation. It was easy using this link. I waited the 5 weeks that they told me it would take, and it showed up in my bank account.

Filling out the form takes 5 minutes. It is worth taking a shot……

Posted by
463 posts


That is exactly where I started with BA on June 16. You're right, it was fairly straight-forward and easy to file the claim. It is getting anything from BA other than an email acknowledgement of the receipt of the claim (on June 29), that has gone nowhere.

I followed up with BA on July 25, August 22, September 26 and November 5. Four times, more or less once a month. I first contacted DGAC in France on August 27, in the hope that DGAC would shake a response out of BA. It did not. (I sent DGAC an update, yesterday)

It's really not a lot of money. It IS the type of customer service that we have come to expect from BA, after lesser issues in the past.

They are a large airline and serve many passengers needs. I originally posted this simply to notify folks on this forum about delays and the need for extra time when boarding a BA flight from CDG. It was only the encouragement of folks on this forum that led me to even file the claim in the first place.

Not sorry that I did that. Sorry that BA has totally blown the response, even after I let them know in late September (and again in early November) that I would keep the Rick Steves Travel Forum up to date. Who knows, perhaps they don't read claim updates?

Anyway, I am letting this go. Should the refund ever materialize before this topic is closed, I will send out an update.

Posted by
432 posts

Oh my! When we left CDG in mid-September, we were only able to download our BA boarding passes for the flight from Paris to London. I was dreading jumping through hoops in London to secure the passes for London to the states. But a few minutes after we landed in London, the flight attendant announced that boarding passes for us and another couple could be obtained from her as we de-planed! We were flying on FF miles in business class; don't know if that made any difference or not.

Posted by
47 posts

October 2023 we had flights from Edinburgh to Heathrow then to O’Hare. We received an email from BA two days before our flight saying there was additional information they needed. It looked like info we already provided, but sent it and got an email we were set for our flight. Next morning tried to get our boarding passes through their app and couldn’t get them. Tried their website and the same thing. Called BA and weren’t able to help despite reading the email they sent us. Their advice was go to the airport and get the passes there. Luckily we were not far from tram stop and the airport was a 16 minute ride. There was no problem at the airport and they couldn’t explain what went wrong. BA will be my last choice especially now after reading the comments here.

Posted by
739 posts

Our experience with BA at CDG was the greener pasture. We were in line, a very short line, about 3 hours before flight departure. The agent couldn’t check our bags because we were too early! We stood aside for about 10 minutes when we were called back up to check the bags.
Obviously this didn’t involve any type of cancellation or need to stay over, but we had downloaded our tickets the night before for both segments, CDG-LHR and LHR-SEA. All was well.

It is unfortunate that there has been little follow up from British resulting in poor customer service. But to the ‘last choice’ from one poster, I have often had to eat those words, even though I had purposely taken a wide berth.

Hopefully, one day quite by surprise, you will get a positive response and solution to an unacceptable situation.

Posted by
463 posts

11/27 UPDATE

Mona, Jane, Ponygirl & Jaime.

Thanks for your help. I am pleased to say BA has FINALLY responded ... thanks to the French authorities! Vive la France !!!

Not only are they going to reimburse the c. $325 we have requested, we get an extra 1200 Euros!

"The distance of the disrupted journey was over 3,500km as calculated in accordance with the Regulation. Therefore, you are both entitled to €600.00 in compensation."

Posted by
4414 posts

Wow Fred, great news. I guess it was worth it to submit a claim after all.