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Day trip from Avignon to Aix en Provence

We are doing a day trip from Avignon to Aix en Provence in September. I have 2 questions related to the day.

I was excited to learn about the TGV from Avignon to Aix as it takes 20 minutes. However affter looking at the logistics around getting to and from the Centre and TGV stations via shuttles or buses in both towns, the coordination of such transport requires wait times that in end add up to far more time than I'd like. RS mentions that taking the Bus to and from the 2 towns--while 75 min. long, is faster and much easier. I'm inclined to think this is the way to go and would be more time efficient and flexible....any thoughts on this??

Secondly, wondering if there is an absolute need to book a timed slot to see Cezanne's studio. As we are going on a Tuesday (market day), I'm not crazy about locking ourselves into a real specific time slot--just want freedom to wander and be flexible. Is it an absolute requirement, or is it possible to show up and get in? Thanks for any advice you all might have!

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192 posts

Thank you for the link, Laurie Beth. It seems the responses to your similar question re: bus or TGV between Avignon and Aix offer pros and cons with either choice. I did the math again, and have decided to go with the bus (gare routiere to gare routiere, which is a total of 1h15 min.)
Although going by TGV offers more train time options than the bus, the 8:00am bus option (our preferred time) in the end will get us to Aix more efficiently than the TGV with no transport coordination on the Aix end. In fact, we will get to Aix an hour earlier in the morning by bus alone--more time for the markets that morning.
Taking the 5:15pm bus back to Avignon will also give us more time than the TGV option in the afternoon to relax in a cafe and enjoy the atmosphere and people, which seems to be one of Aix's major charms! The bus just seems a lot more hassle free--but really depends on one's timetable of course.

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1871 posts

Suzanne, have fun. I will be in that area in October. When we are back in MN we should share experiences over a coffee at Caribou. I live in the northern suburbs. Send me a private message if you are ever interested.