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Are you in France and do CDC cards work?

This thread will serve as a place for those currently in France to tell the community experiences with using CDC cards if they do not a have a pass sanitaire. We have heard conflicting reports and would love some eyewitness accounts. Especially as of Nov 2! .


Posted by
2743 posts

I have not read of a single report of someone presenting a CDC and who was subsequently denied access to a restaurant or museum. CDC cards have not always guaranteed entrance to concerts or where there are large groups of people.

For US most tourists, if not all, using the CDC card has not caused many problems.

Posted by
173 posts

Nor have I but I’m looking for testimonials of folks who are there now. Those of us going soon are deciding on spending thousands of dollars on what might be a futile exercise.

Posted by
16627 posts

I'm in France and have the pass. Occasionally, I have asked if they will accept the CDC card. A few have said no. A museum and restaurant on Colmar and a hotel in Beaune checking for their breakfast.

But, the hotel in Beaune had no other Americans but me. So, they probably haven't seen it. In Colmar, the receptionist, who spoke flawless English said the few America's she has seen have the pass.

It's hit or miss depending on where you are. I'm currently in Lyon and tonight at dinner I heard the first American in over a week.

Posted by
4065 posts

I'm not in France right now. Where are you going in France? That makes a big difference in how familiar the people are with a CDC card. I was in Paris in September and while I had my pass, I did see people using a CDC card generally without an issue. I saw the pass questioned only once and in that case a supervisor overruled the person who had not recognized the card. A friend just moved to Valence and found her CDC card useless. Another friend whose family has a second home in Brittany and who are there right now told me that the card is not super useful there but for them it does not really matter because they are hanging out at home, doing outdoor activities, and cooking their own meals.

Posted by
173 posts

Going to Paris and Reims with family of 4 in 2 weeks. Daughter will turn 12 the day before we leave. So she is under the 12 and 2 month cut off.

Posted by
64 posts

From posts on another forum, it appears that online application for the Pass Sanitaire is now only available to French nationals. Things are in flux with a vote on extending it happening in the French Assembly today. The info I read suggests that US visitors will be able to get the PS at pharmacies by showing their CDC cards. In a pinch, a negative Covid test at a pharmacy will get you a PS that is good for 3 days. New rules and procedures will likely be announced in the next few days.

Posted by
427 posts

We live in France and have the QR Code that came with our vaccinations. But last week we met a friend from the states for lunch in Caen and he had the fabled CDC card, which is the first one I'd seen. When the restaurant employee stepped up to scan our passes, my spouse and I both showed our smartphones with our QR Codes on the TousAntiCovid app, and our friend showed his CDC card. It was accepted with no hesitation.

Granted, in a less tourist-centric location things might not work as smoothly, if you plan to mainly stay in touristy areas a CDC card probably would present little or no problems, based on my limited exposure

But having a QR Code documenting vaccinations is the gold standard. Easy clearance and entry pretty much everywhere. If you would be able to get one I recommend it. .

Posted by
216 posts

Do any of you know whether getting into Paris museums like the Louvre or getting on TGV trains from Paris to other cities is possible with only a CDC card?

Posted by
216 posts

I just spoke with someone at the French Embassy who said she doesn’t know how long tone website to apply for the pass sanitaire will be down. She suggested we get a rapid test from a pharmacy every. 72 hours instead. Of course things could change but that is the advice I was given just now.