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New Proceedure for Pass Sanitaire from Nov 2021

The proceedure is now to enter the country using your vaccination card, together with whatever paperwork people from your home country needed to enter France before the recent change.

You then apply at an approved pharmacy and they create a pass sanitaire for you. It costs a maximum of 36€

A map of the approved parmacies is here

Posted by
333 posts

Thanks for the update, Simon. Do you know what the situation would be if you were planning to arrive at CDG and immediately take a train to another part of France? We're taking a TGV train to Strasbourg. Are we allowed to use our CDC card to board the train at the airport?

Posted by
333 posts

Oh, it seems there is an approved pharmacy just off-site from CDG. Yikes, that seems like it could be a nightmare.

Posted by
492 posts

Hopefully more pharmacies get added to the list! Thanks so much for the link, Simon!

Posted by
1466 posts

Thanks, I like that it gave a listing of Pharmacies that offer the test. Found 3 within a few blocks of the apartment I will be staying at. Also glad I have my Pass Sanitaire already.

Posted by
10776 posts

That's as clear as mud. They aren't specifying citizens or non-citizens. I think we need more info before banking on something published October 19.

From what I understood, tourists are expected to get a nasal swab test in order to generate a Pass valid for 72 hours if the swab is negative.

Posted by
1404 posts

I am annoyed. Hopefully this all is clearer by the time I leave in 15 days.

Posted by
10430 posts

Andrew yesterday found the legislation, which makes it clear: non-Eu tourists now are supposed to go to one of the listed pharmacies. The pharmacist will check their CDC card against a “manual” provided by the MFA showing authentic cards. If the pharmacist seems the card authentic, they can charge up to 36€ and provide you a pass sanitaire based on your U.S. vaccination record.

The option for obtaining a pass sanitaire good for 72 hours by testing negative in a pharmacy is stil, of course, an option, but it’s not the “main game.”

I find this shocking that they did all this and never said anything about it until they had already shut down the portal ! Maybe I shouldn’t be shocked. I would never have thought to look for an already-published decree. I am still in wonder that Andrew found that.

Posted by
119 posts

Do we know if we can take public transportation from the airport to another approved pharmacy in the city without the health pass?

Posted by
10430 posts

There is no requirement for a health pass to take local public transportation. The only requirement is to wear a mask.

Posted by
576 posts

Kim -- to be honest, I myself am kind of shocked that I found it! My strategy was searching every possible combination of keywords (e.g. some word jumble of "passe sanitaire étrangers pharmacie décret" etc.) on Twitter, and I somehow stumbled upon some post that linked to the legislation. The post itself was from a random website but the legislation is clearly from a French government website.

For others who might be curious, here's the legislation (in French of course), which looks like it was promulgated on 26 October. I do note it says that the maximum cost is €30 "hors taxes," is the additional €6 comprised of taxes? (especially as I see the Santé website above specifies "€36 TTC," so perhaps that's the case).

Of course, it wouldn't be the first time that two official websites contradict each other!

Posted by
81 posts

The Points Guy gave a comprehensive run down today... Google it... I can't get the link to post.

Posted by
827 posts

Not sure I woould trust the points guy above the go ernment website. He has been wrong before

Posted by
727 posts

Good to see the change rolled out, I hope they expand the availability of the passes. In my case, by change, my corner pharmacy is on the list (I already have my pass; I used them to get my antigen test the last time. I hope they don't get swamped with pass conversions).

Posted by
10430 posts

Yep, VAT on this item is apparently the top rate, which is 20% — and 20% of 30€ is 6€. . . therefore total cost of 36€

That is definitely the French official government legislative website, I look up stuff there frequently. Just hadn’t thought to look for something that I didn’t know existed !!!

Posted by
18 posts

Hello, so helpful to see. A few more questions for those of you more familiar with current process--and I send with many many thanks for all the great information: We leave for France Dec 14th; applied through France Connect for passe sanitaire Oct 26, have seen no movement, our applications sit in "in progress" status. Will our applications just be junked at this point and we wait to arrive in France to process through a pharmacy? Is there a chance our applications might still be processed since submitted pre-Nov 1 (I was thinking of using the email link folks on this Forum provided in order to inquire)? Also, we arrive at CDG Dec 15 and then go later that morning (plenty of hours for transition I think) to the TGV for Aix-en-Provence--I had assumed we'd HAVE to have our passe sanitaire for the TGV trip. Perhaps now our hard-copy US vax card (we've had all 3 Pfizers by now) will be enough--since we won't have time to get a passe sanitaire at a pharmacy in window between landing at CDG & catching TGV for Aix? Thanks again for any light you can shed on the situation!

Posted by
18 posts

OK realize you've all been trying to figure this out. I am now really worried about the transfer from CDG/passport control to TGV when we arrive mid-December as I can't imagine that we can get out to a pharmacie and get our US vax cards transformed into French passe sanitaire in time to make our train. And perhaps worse, by the map provided at top of this thread, there are no participating pharmacies in Aix-en-Provence (where we are headed to meet our daughter). Don't mean to vent, just, again, inviting any counsel on this. Thanks again.

Posted by
1466 posts

Here is a statement on the site. Towards the bottom is says a visual check for proofs without a QR code. Seems like that would be a visual check of the CDC Vaccination Card or another countries version.


The health pass is mandatory for your TGV INOUI, OUIGO, INTERCITÉS with mandatory reservation* and international long-distance trains from France (except Eurostars). This obligation applies to all travelers over 12 years of age and 2 months read more. The health pass can be:

A complete vaccination certificate (paper or digital)
A Covid-19 recovery certificate of more than 11 days and less than 6 months.
A negative PCR or antigenic test of less than 72 hours.
The verification device can intervene at any time, at the dock at boarding, on board or off the train, by SNCF agents (stopover agents, controllers, security teams) or by law enforcement.

Verification of the validity of the health pass is done by flashing the QR code via the TousAntiCovid application or by a visual check for proofs without a QR code.

Good to know: to board more serenely, we suggest that you associate your Health Pass with your Ready to Travel ticket before your trip

Posted by
497 posts

There is also a translated post on the October 26 statement on the Trip Advisor France forum.

Posted by
333 posts

Whew! I was worried there for a minute! Thanks brushtim for the update!

Posted by
9 posts
The Connexion article has a few interesting points
1. Oct 26 decree of pharmacies for obtaining Pass-Sanitaire.... so, maybe online applications from 26th will not be processed

  1. Pharmacies' Trial period 15 days ...what is start date of Trial? If pharmacies trial not functioning, what would be next method?

  2. "A trial is underway ...check foreign vaccination certificates and convert *** recognised*** ones into an EU format
    ...well, if the foreign QRcode cannot be "recognised", then it cannot be converted

Posted by
10430 posts

No, there is nothing in the Oct 26 decree about “recognizing QR codes”. It says that the pharmacist will authenticate the vaccine proof document against a manual (that the MFA will provide — or has provided) showing authentic documents.

In other words, they will have a judgment call as to whether the CDC card looks real or not.

Posted by
531 posts

Any idea what, if anything, changes for those of us who were successful in getting the Passé Sanitaire prior to shutdown of portal?

Posted by
9 posts

@chris texas,

Imo, if you've already got the conversion to Pass Sanitaire, you're ok. You store the Pass on phone and print it out

If ppl haven't got it already, we will have to find and stand in line at pharmacy
A) before entering first hotel (hotel write they allow entry only for ppl with Pass Sanitaire)
B) someone wrote Pass not needed for public transport, but on French govt website says Pass applies to public transportation (maybe must take private transport from airport)
...conflicting info + logistics order of why to do when first enter a country, etc ...

I plan now to fly to another country less cumbersome and enter France by land (.if visit France at all)

...Well if France immigration / border control and every public place would look at document (if qr code format not readable) and accept it ... Life would then be more beautiful ....oh wait that film was Italian not French

Posted by
10430 posts

Any idea what, if anything, changes for those of us who were successful in getting the Passé Sanitaire prior to shutdown of portal?

Nothing. It has no bearing on you.

Posted by
10430 posts

You do not need the pass for local public transportation, or indeed, even regional / TER trains.

You need it for TGVs.

(You can choose to believe me or not; simply that I take public transportation almost every day since the pass was first instituted in May then expanded substantially later, and it’s simply not needed for local transport — which includes the RER in from the airport . You have to wear a mask. That is it.)

You should be able to check into your hotel without it. If they say they need it for breakfast room check, let them know you will be happy to bring it to them once you have obtained one at a pharmacy. Since you don’t eat breakfast until the next morning, I don’t see how this is an issue.

Posted by
9 posts

Wrote hotel yesterday and received response, though they kept mentioning "with your American CDC card..."

However, not American, and our country ministry of health knows since late July that it's QR Codes are incompatible with various countries' Health/Green Pass QRCodes, but does nothing.

Well, think fly into Spain or Slovenia , enter France by land.

Posted by
16628 posts

I have been in France for nearly three weeks. Let me tell you my experience regarding the pass.

Hotels--half of my hotels have asked for the pass upon check in. A couple have said so they don't have to check at breakfast.

Restaurants--all but one has asked for the pass to eat indoors. (It was just a slip up with me as I saw them checking others.)

Trains--i have taken numerous trains that have required the pass. Announcements are constantly made about needing the pass. On none of those trains was I asked for the pass. But then, I wasn't asked for my ticket either.

On my next to last train, a group of SNCF police came on board and went through the train. But all they did was check to make sure people had masks on.

As Kim stated, you do not need the pass for local and regional trains.

Museums--all asked for the pass.

I have the Pass Sanitaire so it wasn't a problem. I was only in Paris to change trains. I was in Bayeux, Colmar, Mulhouse, Beaune, Lyon, Carcassonne and Toulouse. I heard NO English spoken on the street from Colmar to Lyon. They have not seen many Americans or Canadians since they reopened in the summer. I asked about the CDC card and most looked puzzled. They had no idea what I was talking about. (In Carcassonne, the English I heard were people from Viking Cruise ship tours.)

By next year, who knows what the situation may be.

Please remember that my experience is anecdotal and yours might be different.

Posted by
106 posts

any updates on this?
i was going to submit through the website
but unsure what is current situation?

Posted by
9436 posts

Current situation is what this OP has posted here.

Posted by
10430 posts

You can’t submit through the website. It doesn’t exist any more.

Posted by
1404 posts

Well...I just got my QR code this morning via email. Isn't that strange? I am relieved.

This is in response to the one I submitted 2 days before they closed the site not the one I submitted over à month ago

Posted by
6 posts

I just got mine as well. I imagine they are cleaning up the backlog from people who submitted before the site shut down while they trial the pharmacy solution.

Then I bet they implement both plans as an option going forward where you pay the $36 at both options. Just my guess.

Posted by
5 posts

I looked at the map posted by Simon and it appears that there are at least two pharmacies in Terminal 2 at CDG where you can obtain the Pass Sanitaire. If anyone attempts to obtain their Pass Sanitaire at either of those pharmacies, I would be interested in hearing about your experience.

We are going in a few weeks but are arriving mid-day Saturday and heading straight to Giverny so we are concerned about finding a pharmacy that is open Saturday afternoon or on Sunday. The pharmacies at CDG appear to be open every day until 7 or 7:30 p.m.


Posted by
11 posts

I'm also travelling to Paris at the end of the month and have yet to receive my Pass Sanitaire. I initially submitted my application on October 13th, making sure everything was as clear as possible, but still no confirmation. When I saw they changed the protocols today, I immediately did some research and found this place. I'm going to email the above address for the French government and see if I can give them a little nudge. Otherwise, I'm going to be stuck hoping everything works out once my boots are on the ground.

If that happens, I will probably try the pharmacy located near my hotel in the 11th as opposed to those at CDG. I can only imagine how crazy those places will be with incoming morning flights from all over the place. So, as long as the transportation service doesn't requires it, I think that is a better option than sitting around for hours at the airport.

Like someone said earlier, hopefully the government officials are just working through the remaining backlog before the October 29th policy change, grandfathering in the folks who provided clear and legit documentation.

Thanks to all who are providing some guidance here.

Posted by
50 posts


I submitted my Pass request on October 16th for a November 27th visit and haven't heard back. I tried the email address from a previous post today and will let you know if it is successful. The person that gave me the email address said he did it in French on November 2nd and got the Health Pass the next day. I used Google translate to change it from English to French. We'll see if it works. Super frustrating process either way.

Posted by
492 posts

Certainly many more pharmacies popping up on the list. We arrive in Paris at Gare du Nord, by Eurostar. A few days ago the closest pharmacy was several blocks from the station but now a few pop up in close proximity to it - will make things much easier once we arrive! Here’s hoping more pharmacies signing on to do this translates in to their being more eager to play a role (and informed on the process), and the procedure sticks as an option at least.

Posted by
11 posts

@ djh32781

Thanks for the message. I just did the same thing, but could not attach my documents as the email was undeliverable due to message size. Hopefully they can respond to both of ours. We shall see.

This was the email address I used: [email protected]

Posted by
50 posts

That is the same email I used as well. Also try and make the documents saved as a PDF. Sorry should have mentioned that in my last post.

Posted by
106 posts

Does this change mean that your hotel might not let you
stay the first night if you cant get the pass
since you arrive so late?

Posted by
16628 posts

No, your hotel will not stop you from staying. Make sure you have proof of vaccination to show if they ask.

Posted by
18 posts

Hello to all trying to sort out the new health pass system as I still am. As posted above, we are arriving in France mid-December at CDG/Paris and after passport control/customs etc, have planned to get the TGV in the lower level of CDG to Aix-en-Provence that afternoon. I'd hoped we'd have our health passes under the old system. I used the Dimarche Simplifees/France Connect system and the email recommended here: [email protected]. But today I received this: "Dear Sir or Madam, The procedure to get a health pass from us has, unfortunately, been deleted.The Health Ministry has put in place a new procedure at this link : (English Version), or this link (French Version) Thank you for your understanding, Kind regards..."

So my continued worry is what those of us arriving at CDG on a flight from overseas and immediately taking French public transportation to some other part of France (in our case, Aix) must do in the (relatively) short time between flight and train (for example). I admit, I'm hoping that the TGV/SNCF/INOUI will allow us on that one train ride with our US vax cards and flight receipts so they see we haven't had time to get the health pass. Then I'd spend whatever time needed in an Aix pharmacie converting our vax cards to Health passes the next day. However, at the moment on the participating pharmacie map there are none in Aix--I assume this will "build out" over the next few weeks.

I am aware that I and probably many of us simply have to wait and see. But I welcome any insights to relieve my mind. Thanks in advance.

Posted by
11 posts

Does anyone know if this email address is actually controlled by the people handing out the QR codes? It's funny because some other folks received their QR codes after the cutoff date.

I'm probably going to have to call our hotel and ask do we need the health pass to check in. If not, I'm checking in and crashing for a few hours (reserved the hotel a night before to ensure we can get in to sleep for a while), then I'll head to the nearest "official" pharmacy. If we MUST have the health pass to check in, then the only option is sitting at CDG, which I'm sure will be an amazing clusterfluck.

Posted by
50 posts

I saw there are a few locations at CDG where they will give you the Health Pass. I assume like you it will be a cluster F but who knows. I found the closest Pharmacy to my Hotel and plan on just going straight there from CDG. I have heard varying things on Hotels accepting just the Vaccine card. I plan on finding that out before I leave.

Posted by
11 posts

I emailed the SE-Cab-Sec address yesterday about submitting my application in October and they just responded with the dreaded "nouvelle procédure" email. So, I guess I'm resigned to having to get the health pass when I arrive. Thanks French government.

Posted by
91 posts

As far as accessing French high-speed and intercity trains, I would encourage people not to worry.

Fully vaccinated, I had my Pass Sanitaire (obtained using the old method) and used SNCF's Prêt à Voyager Web site to add the Pass Sanitaire to each of my SNCF reservations. Hint: Prêt à Voyager can't scan the traditional linear (1-D) bar codes on SNCF card stock tickets, so use the QR code on the "print at home" document that SNCF e-mailed you, or add the reservation, by number and last name, to the "SNCF" app (not the "Oui" app, which is for buying tickets) and take a screen shot of the resulting QR (2-D bar) code.

On only one of 14 qualifying train trips in France (no Pass Sanitaire is required for regional or "TER" trains) made in the last week of October and the first week of November was I ever asked for proof of vaccination. This was at boarding time, and because I had used Prêt à Voyager, my new barcode granted me permission to access the platform and provided proof of vaccination. The agent was impressed because most French people don't know about or don't bother to use Prêt à Voyager.

In my experience, no on-board checks ever occurred. The check before boarding happened 1 out of 14 times, and given the huge crowd of people and the desperately short amount of time, it's very likely that the agents would have accepted whatever vaccination document you could show. (Because it's France, there's always chaos when SNCF decides to restrict access to the platform for a given train. This doesn't happen for every departure in every city. The platform is announced maybe 10 minutes before the train departs, 3–5 turnstiles are opened perhaps 5 minutes before, and several hundred to 1,000 — if two TGVs are coupled — people have to be processed in minutes.)

Posted by
18 posts

Thanks for this optimistic post, cognac--this is helpful to read. I have been intimidated by the Pret a Voyager process but will try it-it's weird when that little web cam window opens up! If you have other advice on using it, please do share!

Also, over in a different thread (Health Pass at CDG) someone reported maybe it is NOT taking so terribly long to get a vax card-to-Health Pass conversion at CDG--though the person also said the French security was not wild about visitors arriving from elsewhere wanting to go to the part of the terminal with the pharmacies after already passing through passport control etc--so that's something to nail down.

As mentioned before, We are trying to figure out what is most likely: a) needing to get to a pharmacie for Health Pass conversion process immediately upon arrival at the CDG airport (we have 3.5 hours between arrival CDG & TGV train), versus, hoping our US vax card + passport + flight receipt will let us on our reserved TGV train to Aix (meeting our daughter there). I admire France for having the Health Pass system, actually wish the US had a similar one; however, just not sure how to navigate given our set of circumstances. Your post seems to add confidence that we might be OK just getting on the TGV using our US vax cards. We'd convert to Health Pass the next day once settled in Aix. Hard to sort out but all the comments from folks on the ground in France are certainly helping us think this through!

Posted by
140 posts

After reading this thread, and looking at the map of current pharmacies, we’ve decided to take advantage of the fact that we will be in St. Maarten in January, before our spring trip to Europe, and can visit one of a couple pharmacies in Marigot to get our Pass Sanitaire.

For our Europe trip, we have a comfortable window on arrival morning to get bags and thru the customs/security process, board an RER to Gare du Nord to catch the Eurostar —but with possible baggage/customs delays that can always come up, I don’t want to add to it trying to get the Pass Sanitaire that morning. Plus, sounds like it’s a hassle related to where the pharmacies are located in CDG. We will need the pass upon our return to Paris later that week, and again, don’t want to be stressed dealing with it then, especially since we will be arriving back in Paris during the Labor holiday when pharmacies will no doubt be closed.

I so wish they had kept the online option, and hope that they will opt to offer it again before late January.

Posted by
50 posts

Did you apply for the pass on the online portal before it shut down? I did on October 16th and got my pass today.

Posted by
18 posts

Having posted several times full of anxiety about how to get the Health Pass conversion in the window between arriving at CDG and catching a later TGV train, I write once more--with thanks to all the great advice/intel emerging on this thread--and to say, incredibly, our Health Passes arrived in our in-boxes this morning good to go! We'd applied Oct 26 and now have about 2 weeks left before we go so it is a giant relief, but, at this point, had been unexpected. I guess only conclusion I can draw is that if folks applied through the French Ministry FRANCE CONNECT portal, these applications must still be under review and perhaps staff there are watching the flight dates of the applications to get them to us just in time. IN any event, feel I can now fully settle into looking forward to the trip, and wish anyone else awaiting their Pass/QR code the same good luck! Best to all and thanks.

Posted by
104 posts

I already received my pass via emailing them but received a second set this morning for my entire family. It was also submitted in October. So they are clearing the backlog!

Posted by
4 posts

My husband got his Pass Sanitaire before we left for our trip on November 23, however, mine never showed up. The hotel told us where the nearest pharmacy was located. It was a quick 5 minute walk and no waiting to get the Pass and yes, it was 36 Euros. I had to show my CDC vaccination card and in a few minutes I had the Pass. I would advise you to check the information on the Pass. My birthdate and dates of my vaccinations were wrong. I pointed them out and it was quickly corrected.

We had to show this pass to enter any restaurants, and museums. We found the museums were firm about having the Health Pass. Many of the restaurants we went in Paris had no clue about the CDC card. They want to be able to quickly scan that QR code.

Posted by
2 posts

Looking forward to 2022: I have a business trip scheduled in February. Boosters will be required to keep the pass sanitaire valid from Jan 15th:

This is what worries me, an apparent 7 month limit between 2nd dose and booster dose:

"French health secretary, Olivier Véran announced in November that the COVID vaccine booster shot program would open to all adults in France starting from January 15. He advised that people have up to seven months after their second dose to get their booster shot, otherwise they will no longer be considered fully vaccinated under the health pass system. This rule applies to French citizens and residents."

My state didn't even open booster shots for adults until I was at 7.5 months after my 2nd dose. I did get the booster shot as soon as it was available to me.

But what do I do for the pass, get a 4th dose? Hopefully this gets clarified.

Posted by
2743 posts

Hopefully this gets clarified.

I am not sure where the confusion is. To maintain a valid pass sanitaire, the booster is required as of 15 December for those 65 and over. The booster is required for those 18 and over as of 15 January. Allowances are made from these dates if they occur sooner than 7 months from one´s 2nd dose.

Today, anyone over 18 may obtain the booster. Cost is 8€ for those not enrolled in French healthcare.

Posted by
10430 posts

Jeff Amadon, it's not a problem that you received your booster more than seven months after your primary vaccination scheme was completed. They are not going back to look at the time elapsed between shots — they will just look to see you got your booster.

The problem arrives ONLY for someone who arrives at the date of January 15 who 1) completed their vaccine scheme more than seven months prior (I.e. prior to June 16), and 2) doesn't have a booster. (Please note that the January 15 date is for people aged 18 to 64. If a person is 65 years of age or older, the relevant date for them is December 15th.

They aren't going back to look at the time lapsed between your initial vaccination and your booster if you already have your booster as of January 15..

Posted by
2 posts

Thank you Kim! That's what I thought made logical sense, but after a year of business covid travel anxiety I am absolutely over-thinking the wording used by health officials :)