So, after travelling to Europe for 10+ yrs and my husband always wanting his 'American style' coffee (just drip coffee with milk/cream and sugar) and him rejecting trying something like a latte or macchiato - he finally did it!
On this trip when we stayed at an airbnb in Vienna, the host made him coffees in the morning with a Nespresso type machine, but did something along the lines of an espresso with a lot of steamed milk - so prob basically a latte. Well, hubby liked it (I mean, it's basically coffee with just a lot more milk, since the coffee is super strong). He also had some caffe lattes in Verona and machiattos in a few other spots when he couldn't remember what the diff were (which aren't much, when I look up the difference - he would add sugar and stir it all up anyways). He even said (GASP) that'd he'd probably have caffe lattes here at home!!!
And it only took him 10 years (of 35 yrs of coffee drinking)