I usually travel to Rome and Italy in May and June and love to cook and to shop the fresh food markets - asparagus and artichoke season , this year I will be in Rome, Orvieto and Padova in late October and early November - I know it is truffle season but is there any other "local" produce available then?
Hi. Well, it is not produce, but might wild boar season be starting in November? I am thinking Orvieto might be a place to locate boar dishes. I am not sure about buying boar meat at the markets. I do recall seeing numerous mounted boar heads around Orvieto.
Squash in all varieties will be in season. Plus mushrooms, chestnuts and other nuts, fennel, endives, beets, cabbage. I was in Italy last October for the month and I really enjoyed fennel salads and grilled fennel. Plus, of course you can always get fresh ricotta cheese and pasta.
There are some varieties of artichoke that have a second crop in the fall, so you shouldn't have to miss out on 'Carciofi'!
But I'm under the impression that the one fruit you should really keep an eye out for is persimmons. I think the Italian word for it is 'Cachi', and I vaguely remember hearing a story a few years back from a friend waxing poetically about either 'Pan Forte' or 'Panna Cotta' flavored with persimmon and chestnut (or Amaretto).