Abroad, I miss getting milk in anything larger than a 1-liter carton. Except in Greece, getting plain Greek yogurt. Maybe ground beef or cuts of bison, too.
And while not food, I miss our plastic wrap. Compared with Saran Wrap, the plastic “film” in Europe is just thin, flimsy stuff that you can’t get separated from the roll, and if you do manage to get it peeled off the roll, it just sticks to itself and wads up, before you can get it spread across a container, or wrapped around what you want wrapped up.
Back at home, I miss European eggs (deep yellow yolks), cheese that’s not a brick of oddly colored yellow-orange, pretty flavorless), parmesano reggiano that’s not $25 for a small wedge, fruits and vegetables that are actually just sold in season - so fresh and flavorful, especially strawberries that aren’t just white inside and taste like styrofoam, lamb, perfectly al dente pasta, haggis, thick hot chocolate, eggplants that aren’t huge, prosciutto and also basil that aren’t sold only in small quantities, in plastic clamshell containers, and proper gelato - scooped up fresh, and wonderful.
Kouign-Amagnn from Brittany! A caramel roll on steroids, devine!
And, living 1,000 miles from the ocean, not having fish that was swimming that morning. Fresh anchovies and sardines, like I had for dinner tonight in Riomaggiore, Italy - like nothing you can get in Colorado. But nowhere else has Palisade peaches, Rocky Ford cantaloupe, or Pueblo chilis, so there’s some good stuff at home, too.