Rick Steves tells us that he has regular spots he frequents when he's doing his round of updates that make him feel he has returned, and he also asks guests on the radio show what they get to eat when they first come home as a welcome meal.
What dish do you get that tells you you're on vacation (finally!)?
I have never, literally never, made a seafood bisque at home, so I know that if I've got a bowl of lobster bisque in front of me, it's not an everyday situation. Normally, I have a strong opinion about not combining fish and dairy, of not mixing the mountains with the sea as they say in Italian cooking, but there are exceptions to even strongly held rules, and for me the main exception is clam chowder.
Rich cream sauces more generally are a way that I signal to myself that it's time for an indulgence, that the workaday is behind me, for a little while at least. How's 'bout you?