My wife was recently diagnosed with kidney disease and has to eat foods that are low in potassium and sodium. Does anyone have suggestions on how to eat in French restaurants and tell this to waiters? We are planning a trip to France in August. Would it work to create a list of what she can't eat and then translate it into French? I'd appreciate hearing how other people have dealt with dietary restrictions. Thanks!
Presumably the doctor provided a list of high potassium foods to avoid, so don't order them.
sans sel ( no salt )
faible en sel ( low salt )
I have not heard of potassium being an additive in cooking. Anyone have info otherwise on this?
Potassium occurs naturally in food - it isn't an additive - and restaurants won't be aware of potassium levels. I had a cat with chronic kidney disease and had to put her on a low-phosphorous diet, so have a basic familiarity with the concept.
I would find a low-potassium diet on the web where they list individual ingredients, and become familiar with it. Translate the list into French using the browser's translate function, then focus on low-potassium foods that your wife enjoys - and order accordingly. Eggplant is low in potassium, but tomatoes are high, so that would rule out ratatouille - just one example. Simple dishes may be safer - grilled meats and vegetables - rather than more complex preparations where you can't be sure of the ingredients.
Thanks for your suggestions!
Ask your nephrologist or GP to suggest a dietician. They are a wealth of information. There’s lots of info out there about kidney friendly diets and foods.