I searched the topics and am only seeing posts from several years ago on restaurants. I'd like to hear from travelers who have recently been in Rome as to what their favorite places are to eat.
We are looking for moderate priced places, nothing fancy or expensive. Little coffee shops and small eateries preferably; as well and full service restaurants. As non-touristy as we can find. We are staying at an Airbnb in Trastevere and know we will be walking 30-50 minutes to see the sights in Rome so walking or hopping on a train or taking taxi to a great place is not a problem.
We ate here last year and enjoyed it...Near the Spanish Steps so some tourists of course. This website has good rec also.
When you use the search feature above, after you narrow down the results to see those from the Travel Forum, you can also narrow down the time period to past 6 months or past 1 year.
I did not realize that. Thanks!