How to go about asking the chef to just prepare his/her favorite beef/chicken/fish recipes for 3 people. Just let the chef do whatever he wants to do. Maybe give him/her a momentary break.Just go and do whatever.
In expensive restaurants, there might already be an option for this though it would have to be booked in advance. If not, it might be possible to contact the restaurant well in advance by phone or email and ask if the chef would be willing to do so on a slow night.
Choose restaurants that serve what is the best of the day from the local market.
Rick's guidebooks will occasionally describe restaurants where he alerts you that you can put your self in the hands of the chef, but you have to read through all the listings to find those notes. I like restaurants that post a changing seasonal menu on a chalk board, or at least a daily special. However, you do have to watch out for pretenders (e.g., in Venice) who post the same, standard, not particularly seasonal options on their chalk board everyday.
You don't say which country?
In France, by any chance?
Yes, France, thanks. Burgundy region and Paris.
Thanks in advance.
A French chef might do it--might--you wouldn't know in advance.
But I don't know if the result would be any better than what you would get by ordering off the menu.
Why not go to a really good restaurant in Lyon or Dijon, one whose menu you've seen in advance, and order your favorite off the menu?
Then each person wouldn't have to have the same thing.
I guess we need a chef to answer this question.