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Have you tried the royal wedding beer?

The official beer of the upcoming UK royal wedding in May is called Harry & Meghan's Windsor Knot --
I just heard a story that says the ingredients are sourced from both homelands -- the west coast of the US and the north of England.

It's a pale ale brewed near Windsor Castle.

Have you tried it? What's your review?

Posted by
166 posts

No I haven’t but thanks for posting this I will be in Great Britain in July and will give it a go!

Posted by
6113 posts

Sounds like a hideous marketing ploy and one to be avoided! That’s not a part of England known for its hop production.

Posted by
17610 posts

But the Yakima Valley hops are prized by brewers. Perhaps they will use more of that, and less of the U.K. hops, rather than a 50-50 blend.

Posted by
3522 posts

Nothing official about it, that word is used nowhere in the description posted by the brewery. Just a beer from the Windsor & Eton Brewery.

Posted by
5625 posts

Agree with Lola. Eastern Washington has the best hops around.

Best in what sense? Hops are used to add flavour and bitterness to a beer, they all do the job but they all add different flavours and levels of bitterness so it depends on what type of beer you want that decides what hops are best.

Posted by
34720 posts

of course everybody sees the pun - a windsor knot is a way of tying a neck-tie, and it is not practiced at Eton.

Some bright spark's idea of another way of soaking the unaware tourist.

Posted by
2937 posts

This short thread deftly illustrates why the toast "Cheers!" is so popular in Britain --
people need to be reminded as often as possible not to be sourpusses.

Can any of you commenters help make us tourists less 'unaware' by sharing your native intelligence
regarding the legitimate ways to drink to the novel occasion of a royal wedding that involves an American?
Provincial oafs like myself can't imagine any precedents for American involvement in upper tier romance or government in British history. [ /s ]

Let me also thank the eagle-eyed forum members who corrected my use of the word 'official' in the OP.

[ /s is a sarcasm marker -- which I'm only including for the benefit of Americans; I'm certain the Brits don't need things spelled out. ]

Posted by
34720 posts

Not quite royalty, but:--

Winston Churchill?

Boris Johnson?

that Farage nutter?

Posted by
2937 posts

Maybe I spoke too soon about not having to spell things out.

The sentence I marked with a [ /s ] is referring specifically to, indeed, Wallis Simpson, Winston Churchill, and Boris Johnson -- that's why I marked it with a [ /s ] and worded it as I did.

As the sun sets on the American empire over the next few decades I only hope that we can handle the slide out of center stage as well as Britain did their decline through the previous period. Gracious and dignified, yes?

Posted by
742 posts

Phew! Thank you Emma, glad it wasn't just me!!! And didn't mean to over do the o's in sorry, typo!

Posted by
34720 posts

nope - sarcasm marker new to me. too

I guess irony is just second nature