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Fresh Fruit in France

Is it safe to eat fresh fruit in France? Can we eat strawberries etc without getting stomach problems

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899 posts

We loved, loved, loved the strawberries in France this summer. They were the best we have ever had! We had no problems. You can buy organic ones (biologique) or regular. We bought both and didn't always wash them. They were superb!

Posted by
2393 posts

You should have no problems. I am guessing your question is based on the warnings to not eat fresh fruit /veggies in Mexico or other Latin American countries?

Posted by
5586 posts

I can pretty much guarantee that the fresh fruit will be much better than what you would get in the US (assuming that is where you are from).

Posted by
2393 posts

That's a pretty broad statement - not everything in the US sucks. It is very easy to get fantastic, fresh, locally grown seasonal fruit in most every state here.

Posted by
7201 posts

Agree that Emily's statement was overly broad. If you're talking about the 'fresh' fruit found in large supermarkets in US, you may be correct. However, there are many alternatives to those supermarkets where the fresh fruit is almost as good as that in Europe (in some cases maybe even better). Just about every town in America has a farmers market of some sort with local specialties that are wonderful. Here where I live in Oregon I found strawberries at our local farmers market that rivaled those I had in France - which I agree were the best I had tasted up until then, unfortunately those particular berries have a very short season so I could only get them for about 3 weeks early this summer.

Regarding the OP's question, I ate every fresh fruit and veggie I could get my hands on while in France (at restaurants and at local markets) and never had any stomach problems. Shouldn't be an issue.

Posted by
5586 posts

As I am from the US, I am pretty familiar with the quality of the produce that can be found in both farmers' markets and grocery stores, but thanks for the friendly reminder.

Posted by
258 posts

The answer to your!!!!!

Posted by
11528 posts

I am sorry, but this seems like a very strange question. And I agree with Emily, fruit in france, even in supermarkets, wil actually taste like fruit, so unless you are worried about your stomach missing pesticides and not being exposed to chemicals that ripen them for market, you will be fine.
Oh yeah, you can even drink the tap water .

Posted by
507 posts

For those who are not fluent in French, here is some help should you get Montezuma's Revenge & need OTC meds.

The French word for the condition is very close to English. In English the first syllable is "die"; in French the first syllable is "day".

My 2-Cents Worth

Posted by
12040 posts

In Emily's defense... have you ever tried the seasonal strawberries in Germany and Austria? I've never tasted better anywhere.

Posted by
9436 posts

My 2 cents... I think the fruit in Europe, and France specifically, tastes much better than any fruit I've eaten here in California and I only shop at Farmer's Markets and Whole Foods.

The fruit in Europe is just as safe, if not safer, than the fruit here in the US.

Posted by
295 posts

yes you can eat fresh fruit or veggies in France. Great quality and everything is safe. No worries with water. You can also eat the fresh fruit you will find at street markets.

Posted by
8196 posts

You can be certain that migrant field workers in Europe have better sanitary facilities than any in the USA.