Yesterday two of us went to a small pub. The server seated us and asked what we'd like to drink before I had a chance to look over the card, so I said that I wanted to try an aperitif. Which does she recommend?
She pointed out the list, and had good things to say about just about everything on it.
I said give us a moment to think it over and she said sure. In a flash (ok maybe two flashes),
she was back with a bottle and glasses, and said this was her favorite from the selection of ports -
an old tawny, and she wanted us to give it a taste. She pours a very generous taste, and I can see on the card
that this is the equivalent of 8 euros and change. It was delish, and the size of the taste was frankly about all we needed.
The wines by the glass were on a chalkboard behind the bar, so I got up to read it, and the server again pops over to ask which I'd like to try. The Dolcetto caught my eye, and again she gives me a generous sample. That's the one for me.
She brings a full glass over to the table, and my friend picks a CA zinfandel.
"Try it first?" the server asks. No need, just a glass.
So, I'm wondering if we have stumbled upon a hidden gem, or do I need to recalibrate my expectations of nice service (or my sense of menu pricing.) Do you get a little suspicious when it seems like a restaurant is being too generous?
I had a goat cheese tart starter -- fabu! -- and a hearty cassoulet; friend had white bean soup and the fish, happy with both. Check was not a bargain but seemed reasonable, in the 70 euro range.
I'm wondering if it means I'm getting a little cynical in my middle years if I start to second-guess a cheerful, generous low-key pub.