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Elegant Place in Paris for cocktails or wine

Any suggestions for an elegant older place, perhaps with Art Nouveau decor for cocktails or wine in Paris? I'm sure there an overabundance of places I just don't know about them. We have been to le train bleu and also to Bouillon Julian and loved both places, although we only had drinks at le Train Bleu. We will be staying in the 12th arrondissement, Bel-Air, near Bois de Vincennes, but her very much open to any arrondissement. Ask

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6650 posts

Bookmarking. We're heading back to France next year, and have decided it's time to start treating ourselves a bit.

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9436 posts

The Hemingway bar at the Ritz in Paris is very nice and fits your criteria.

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4106 posts

Focussing on the art deco part of your request, if you are willing to travel, you could head over to Bar Josephine in Hotel Lutetia on the Left Bank or Bar Les Heures in the Hotel Prince de Galles in the 8th arrondissement.

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110 posts

Bouillon Racine. Our guide took us there on the Paris and HOF tour and it’s lovely, fits the bill of what you’ve described. Dinner was very good , but they also have a nice bar area if wine is all you’re interested in. Enjoy Paris!

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10506 posts

Lutetia is exactly what popped to mind for me, too, although I’ve not yet been lucky enough to go there!

Depending on the time of year you are visiting, the rooftop bar at the Hotel Raphael in the 16th (right on top of metro Kléber) is wonderful — you feel like you can reach out and touch the Arc de Triomphe, and of course the Eiffel Tower looms in the other direction.

Be ready for sticker shock though: a glass of wine or cocktail at any of these places will cost about 30€. But wonderful if you do indeed want to splurge.

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1326 posts

Another vote for Bouillon Racine.
I've eaten there twice and it's absolutely beautiful!
Also, the wait staff is friendly and professional.

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2921 posts

The rough triangle between Kleber Metro, mentioned above, and Alma-Marceau and Boissiere stations is my vote for best wandering and snacking and window-licking on that side of Paris :-)

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656 posts

Thanks, everyone for the great tips. I’ve looked up the mentioned places online and you’re right, yikes! Some of it is pretty pricey. Bouillon Racine looks like a good bet. But all the places were great fun to look at!