In answering another thread about steak in France, I went into the internet rabbithole of links and discussions and one item that jumped out for me was this one about how French and American styles of cutting up beef are a reflection of our different cultures:
American butchers focus on efficiency and value, the French on consistency and distinction. (see link for more details.)
What an interesting leaping-off point for comparing different societies!
Could we do something similar for baking styles, and dining habits?
I bet we can, and have done so many times here in the RS discussions.
I think I've mentioned before that I once made a short detour in Denver to eat at what the online tripadvisor-y sites were calling the best French bistro in the Rockies, and found that the food and drink was indeed quite authentically Parisian, but the pace, atmosphere (like noise level), and portion size were clearly Denverian. It was like going to a bistro with the volume and brightness turned up and the playback speed at 2X. I notice similar happenings in San Diego as well.
What stands out for you in your travels to mark food differences as reflecting cultural differences?