I was telling someone about this restaurant in Girdwood, Alaska, went to their website to get the link, and noticed they are offering a culinary tour in early October. A week in Calabria at a culinary institute, followed by a few days in Sicily. It looks fairly serious. Of course, it may not go.
Italy plans to have 80% of their population vaccinated by the end of September. They have a little over 6 months to accomplish that. Currently they are at 3%.
I would not make any non-refundable plans based on those number. Or, at the very least I would pay for the expensive 'Cancel for any reason' insurance if it is offered. They see to refund about 75% back if one cancels before the cutoff date. And, they are expensive to buy.
It is a bit of the roll of the dice.
Actually, I am not thinking of going. We hope to visit Italy in March 2022 but are making only fully refundable flight reservations at this point.
I just thought others, more optimistic than I, might be interested.
Huh, interesting, I just ate there a week ago and knew nothing about a tour.
The U.K. is way ahead of Italy in the vaccination programme and won’t have everybody vaccinated by this time. Not to say it can’t happen, but things will have to speed up significantly. Pauses such as the concerns over the AstraZeneca safety this week won’t help the speed of the rollout or public confidence.
Today, U.K. government ministers are telling us not to book any foreign travel over the summer. Looks like our international travel ban is about to be formally extended.
As for me, I would also reschedule the tour till next year to be sure that there would be no covid restrictions.