This may be obvious to experienced travelers, but many of my friends do not follow this advice. Traveling partners should never carry the same credit cards. If one person has their wallet or purse stolen, the credit cards that are shared would be useless once the theft is reported to the credit card company. Each partner should carry their own credit cards that are different from their partner so that if there is a loss, the trip could continue without having to wait for new cards.
That same thought crossed my mind during our just-completed trip. We have two accounts with ATM cards, and on each account we each have our own ATM card so the account is not out of use if one card is lost. But we were only carrying one credit card, which we each had the same copy of. had something happened to one of the credit cards, we would still have had no problem in obtaining sufficient cash. But right you are, a second credit card should be carried.
Not only should you have an assortment of cards from different banks, but they should also be from different CC companies. Meaning, a Visa and a Mastercard and an American Express.
We had a taxi in Paris once claim my Visa wouldn't work but my Mastercard did. Go figure.
Personal experience with this one:
I was traveling on business and carried our credit card for any personal expenses. My hubby's card was "eaten" by the ATM at our bank at home while I was traveling, so it automatically stopped my card from working, too.
Good idea, however, this is why one should always carry debit cards, credit cards, passport and extra cash in money belt under clothing, so pickpockets cannot get to them ;-)
Safe travels!
And leave the Am Express home. It has a low acceptance and not worth carrying.
Well no, Am Ex is pretty well known and was usually an option, I carry it mainly because their offices can help you out if you're in a jam. Years ago my wife had a dental emergency and the Paris Am Ex office referred us to a guy a few blocks over who had studied at the U of Chicago.
American Express will wire you up to $500 for emergency cash if you lose/are relieved of your bank and credit cards. I also use it to make hotel reservations (but pay with a no-FTF card).