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A new-to-me tipping twist

For your consideration:

I was in a western US resort community this week. At a nicer ($50-120 mains) restaurant I saw a line item on the menu for :

Show them you appreciate their efforts

So you just add it yourself on top of everything else. No irony or humor detectable.

Posted by
8457 posts

I'm always leery about stuff like that. I was on a restaurant worker's subreddit one time, and they were talking about menu items that say "Buy a 6-pack for the kitchen crew" or something like that. Most of the kitchen workers said they never got anything and the restaurants pocketed the money. And think about it - what if 5 tables tip $10? Are they going to give each crew member 5 beers? I don't think so.

Posted by
2267 posts

Last night I had a table of 6— three couples. They split the check 3 ways, but because one couple had eaten and drank more, they offered to cover the tip. They tipped a full 20%... but on only the third they paid. That was an effective tip of less than 7%.

I agree that tipping had gotten a little wacky— 25% on top of a cup of coffee at a counter. But what if conscientious people thought of good tips not as greed from service staff, but, at least in part, as subsidizing other people's stupidity?

Posted by
12126 posts

At a nicer ($50-120 mains) restaurant I saw a line item on the menu for :

At that sort of restaurant I would have expected "Wine Tips".

I suppose its the "if you don't ask, you won't get" mindset.

Posted by
1655 posts

I saw similar here in Peterborough. The menu item was "A round for the staff". I kind of snorted to myself then figured I guess it's worth a try.

Posted by
8259 posts

I saw something similar in the UK even, either a menu item type thing, or a QR code you scan and you are charged a flat amount directly. They also had QR codes you could scan in a variety of places to tip the waitstaff or bartenders, or just for a given charity.

Posted by
2393 posts

I would have said "only if I can drink it with them!"

Posted by
1945 posts

Aren't we leaving out the hostess, busboy, dishwasher, cleaning staff and that person who sweeps the parking lot. Am I missing anyone?

Posted by
5295 posts

The tipping mind set has gotten so out of control the consumers need a beer!

Posted by
12126 posts

Aren't we leaving out the hostess, busboy, dishwasher, cleaning staff and that person who sweeps the parking lot. Am I missing anyone?

The truck driver that brings all the stuff the restaurant uses and the garbage truck driver; the gardener;

Hmm, seems like the list encompasses all the things that would be labeled 'overhead' and built into the cost of the meal... ?????

Posted by
2267 posts

Aren't we leaving out the hostess, busboy,

Threadwater- Most restaurants require their servers to "tip out" those people, and more. The amounts are usually calculated as a percentage of sales, so if the server gets stiffed on a tip, they still have to hand over cash for the host, runner, busser, bartender, etc

Posted by
1141 posts

Restaurants seem to always try and justify these little irksome “fees”. I am tired of it. I am tired of all fees tacked on. I am tired of resort fees, cleaning fees, booking fees. And you know what, a lot of these fees go into pocket without any taxes being paid on them. Clear profit.
Enough of the tirade. I don’t patronize the places that have these fees. No air bnb for me, no restaurants with such declarations on their menus, such annoying prompts.
Pay your staff. Raise your prices if you have to. I know it is a competitive business. But, it is not my problem. Don’t make it mine.
I was a short order cook in the way back when. I bought my own beer.

Posted by
8457 posts

Mary, oops! Fixed it! I could have SWORN it say Beef Tips, lol!!!

Posted by
8457 posts

I would have said "only if I can drink it with them!"

Christi, interestingly enough, some of the people on the subreddit said that they would only tip if they could drink it with the kitchen crew; mainly because they don't believe the restaurant will actually follow through.

I worked as a server for years when I was in school and as a single mother, and it's a very hard way to make a living, especially when people who go out to dinner economize by not tipping or tipping a few dollars on a $50-60 tab. Restaurants aren't willing to make it up to them, and I firmly believe that this is another way for restaurants to recoup money. I would be very surprised if the kitchen staff gets any of it.

Posted by
2267 posts


All this discussion almost makes it sound like America's economy is built on the ownership classes pitting consumers against laborers while they quietly take advantage of both.

Posted by
5295 posts

All this discussion almost makes it sound like America's economy is built on the ownership classes pitting consumers against laborers while they quietly take advantage of both.

Scudder will not get any argument from me. And I agree with treemoss2 -- pay the employees as you should, set your price to make a reasonable profit, and quit nickel and diming us to death by shaming and intimidation.