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Day tours in Warsaw.

We plan on being in Warsaw Poland he last couple of days of August and are looking for day tours to see the highlights of the city. We thought that we would like to find a private guide where we could customize the tour, but are also considering a tour company. We would like possibly a combination walking/car tour. We did look at and wonder if anyone has had experience using this website? We did contact a guide suggested in our RS guidebook but she could not give us a definite answer as to whether she would be in Warsaw during our visit so thought we had better continue our search.

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7050 posts

Some one wrote about a food tour in this thread:

Also, Andrew Durman comes up a lot with rave reviews. Look at the Poland forum or Ricks guidebook for his info. Perhaps he does day tours in Warsaw.

By the way, if you don't find anyone, don't worry. Warsaw is easy enough to do on your own by foot, metro and trams. All the major sites are listed in Trip Advisor's Things to Do. I would highly recommend the Rising Museum and also the Polin Museum of Polish Jews, as well as Lazienki Park and of course Old Town and Royal Way (lots of churches, shops, cafes, etc along this route).

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33339 posts

Were you also advertising your product in Barcelona? You must like your product a lot.

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318 posts

Your response to this thread left me a little confused Nigel. Could it have been posted in the wrong area?