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Where to buy N95/FFP2 masks

I just bought a pack of FFP2 mask with two straps that go over my head. They are tight and the mask seems small.

Has anyone had luck finding these type of masks that are slightly larger and with ear straps? (I bought the one I have at Amazon.) If so, where did you get them?

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11858 posts

I bought some KF94 type at Amazon and the are quite generously sized. So much of that I put a surgical mask under the KF94 but they fit my hubby well. They have ear loops.

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166 posts

I got mine at Project N95 dot com. I like the ones with head straps but they have ones with ear loops too.

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12160 posts

If you feel the need for an N95 grade mask, then the dual band is the one to have.

It will make for a tighter fit than the ear loop type, thus more effectively making all air to/from your nose/mouth go through the mask and not escaping around the edges.

From what looking I did, it seems its the Kn95 than come with ear loops, not the N95

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1906 posts

I get my KN95 masks from this site that was mentioned in a NY times article earlier this year regarding where to get quality masks.

The Powecom KN95 ear loop masks are fairly large. One family member and one friend who tried them thought they were large for them. I have a fairly large head and my face is on the wider side of average. I find the masks fit me pretty well. I just need to make sure the area around the nose is formed correctly. I have some headband style ones too but have not tried them.

Regarding the tight headband fit. Have you tried stretching out the headband? I’ve seen some reports of that working. Use one hand to pinch down and relieve stress on the attachment point and the other hand to stretch the band a bit.

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2170 posts

I bought NOISH certified N95 masks with the head straps from Amazon. The type I bought are known as “ duckbill”. They are a bit larger.

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16645 posts

I have some upcoming train trips in France and one says FFP2 masks are required. The ones I have now are from Powecom (FFP2) and are small around my face. I try to talk and the mask pops off my chin and mouth.

Otherwise, I'm fine with surgical masks.

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3160 posts

I bought N95 masks from a dental supply. Since I have a small face I thought they would work as they are cut lower on the cheek. Nope, the straps are too short to comfortably go around my head. I’m thinking I’ll cut the straps off and reattach them as ear loops.

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7335 posts

Regarding the message two posts above mine: FFP2 masks are not required on French trains. Surgical is enough.

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9096 posts

Authentic N95 masks do not have ear loops - the head band is a sign of legitimacy. KN95 is different.

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28577 posts

I noticed someone a couple of days ago wearing a KN95 mask (I assume--it had ear loops). Apparently in order to make for a snugger fit, she had twisted the straps once before looping them around her ears. That seemed like a good idea when a mask feels too loose. That hasn't been a problem for me.

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224 posts

Healthcare worker here….N95 are suppose to have a tight fit for a good seal. One must be FIT tested to see if this seal is correct. There are no N95 that I’ve ever seen that have earloops.

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2639 posts

I got a pack of KN95 masks at my local Ace Hardware. Excellent fit

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23684 posts

Got a package of 25 KN95 masks at Tuesday morning for $7 and some change.