Posted by Mr É Apparently the science says, if your fever is gone
for 24 hours . . .
This has always been the advice from my GP for any type of illness.
"You can return to work, school, etc. 24 hours after the fever is gone with no fever reducers such as aspirin or ibuprofin."
I resent folks who "tough it out with lots of OTC meds" just to come to work and make the rest of us sick. Even had a hospital employee during the pandemic tell me that her coughing and sniffling wasn't COVID, "just something going around the hospital".
So it was "going around" means it is not allergies. It is contagious.
Posted by Tim
It seems futile to point point out that the
"scientific method", formerly taught in high schools and liberal arts
colleges, specifies that "when your knowledge changes, your actions
change in response."
My Dr, Your Dr., Any Dr. gives you the best advice or treatment based on what they know TODAY. Tomorrow, with new knowledge, they might prescribe a totally different course of treatment.