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Posted by
15141 posts

This seems to be in line with what UK was doing last spring. I know you spend a lot of time there so are aware of their approach.

I'll probably still mask on airplanes and in airports at least on the way TO something fun in Europe and do my regular prevention things before I travel and when I get there.

Thanks for the update, Frank.

Posted by
8334 posts

Based on the number of people who were overjoyed at not having to present a negative test to fly home, I would say the 5 day isolation was never really a widespread "thing". I mean if you wanted to use it as an excuse (Sorry boss, can't come into work for 5 days) or were conscientious, fine, but I think many ignored the advice if it did not fit schedule or desire.

Posted by
4727 posts

I agree with Stephen. We learned during Covid that this emperor is not wearing any clothes.

Posted by
290 posts

The CDC lost most credibility during Covid so this latest change in isolation time is years behind other educated countries. Likewise for the vaccine recommendations. Most other developed countries have pushed vaccines only for those with severe preexisting conditions.

Posted by
21364 posts

Frank II, not sure anyone would blame the messenger? Apparently the science says, if your fever is gone for 24 hours and you feel good, you should go to work (or the airport for your next trip). The WHO, I believe, made the same change on the same day.

Posted by
8148 posts

It seems futile to point point out that the "scientific method", formerly taught in high schools and liberal arts colleges, specifies that "when your knowledge changes, your actions change in response." But the vain demand for decisions about a NEW disease to be absolutely right, the first time, in the absence of enough (gasp!) knowledge, led the CDC's decisions to change guidelines, between 2019 and 2022 (never mind March, 2024) to be condemned as incompetent, oppressive, or un-American.

If your child has a stomach ache in one area, should an appendectomy be performed immediately? No, you collect more information, and refine your decisions when more data are available.

Posted by
16741 posts

Let's keep all discussions related to travel as is required on this board.

Posted by
1228 posts

Yes, even Speakers Corner in London is limited to Sundays….

Posted by
8148 posts

Returning to "travel", we are about to fly back from 2 weeks in Taiwan (23rd World Orchid Congress!) We were each given a complimentary Abbot blue box with 4 Covid home tests as we exited arrival luggage claim.

While I do not express, or feel any desire to ask others at home to be as conservative as I am at home (age 72), it is relaxing to be in a place where masks are routine, and not remotely political. For Asia, I rate Taiwan mask usage as "low", maybe 30%. Even in distant Kaohsiung.

Posted by
884 posts

Oh my the CDC was totally wrong. Covid was never a real risk to anyone was it

I buried two friends.

Some of you are the ones wearing no clothes.

Posted by
21 posts

I appreciate that Rick Steves has followed the science with Covid, taking a relatively conservative approach, but changing policy as data and information has changed. If you don’t buy into that, travel with another company.

Posted by
1228 posts

I’m so sorry Carol. I know how you feel. My good friend buried her husband because Covid destroyed his lungs. Their travels together have ended, way too soon.

Posted by
413 posts

Posted by Mr É Apparently the science says, if your fever is gone
for 24 hours . . .

This has always been the advice from my GP for any type of illness.

"You can return to work, school, etc. 24 hours after the fever is gone with no fever reducers such as aspirin or ibuprofin."

I resent folks who "tough it out with lots of OTC meds" just to come to work and make the rest of us sick. Even had a hospital employee during the pandemic tell me that her coughing and sniffling wasn't COVID, "just something going around the hospital".

So it was "going around" means it is not allergies. It is contagious.

Posted by Tim

It seems futile to point point out that the
"scientific method", formerly taught in high schools and liberal arts
colleges, specifies that "when your knowledge changes, your actions
change in response."


My Dr, Your Dr., Any Dr. gives you the best advice or treatment based on what they know TODAY. Tomorrow, with new knowledge, they might prescribe a totally different course of treatment.