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Traveling to Germany with Little Kids - Do they need to quarantine if parents are vaccinated?

I am traveling with my family to Germany in early October. Since booking our trip, the U.S. has fallen to a "High Risk" category, which means that all unvaccinated travelers must quarantine for 10 day (5 days for kids under 12) upon arrival. My wife and I and two teenage girls are all vaccinated, but my 8 and 11 year old obviously are not. My question is, will my children under 12 still be required to quarantine even though the rest of our family is exempt?

The German Foreign Office website says "Given the uncertainty surrounding vaccination for young people, unvaccinated children under 12 years of age are allowed to enter Germany if they travel with at least one fully vaccinated parent," but it doesn't say that they are exempt from quarantine.

Has anyone traveled to Germany with kids recently and what has been your experience with the quarantine requirements? Thanks!!

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Note: I have no particular knowledge about this, but have read some articles in the German-language press about this recently. My understanding is that unvaccinated children are required to quarantine, regardless of the parents' vaccination status. (Also, my reading of the German version of the Foreign Office website is that quarantine is required, but it is true that it is not 100% spelled out).

In any case, I point you to this news article from a reputable source, which is targeted at returning German families after holiday, and makes no mention of any exception for children traveling with vaccinated parents. Instead, it says this (I paste the original German text, but you can use googletranslate or deepl to translate): Einreise aus einem Hochrisikogebiet: Als Hochrisikogebiet gelten Regionen mit einer Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz von über 200 sowie weiteren Risiken. Für Kinder unter zwölf Jahren endet nach der Einreise nach Deutschland die häusliche Quarantäne automatisch nach fünf Tagen oder sobald sie einen Genesenen-Nachweis über das Einreiseportal ( erbringen. Für Erwachsene gilt: Die Quarantäne dauert grundsätzlich zehn Tage. Nicht-Geimpfte und Nicht-Genesene können sich nach fünf Tagen freitesten. Personen, die geimpft oder genesen sind, können noch früher aus der häuslichen Quarantäne - nämlich sobald sie den Nachweis über das Einreiseportal übermitteln. Wird der Nachweis schon vor der Einreise übermittelt, dann ist gar keine Quarantäne nötig. The wording of this seems to make clear that children must quarantine, unless they can provide a certificate that says they have recently recovered from an infection (Genesenen-Nachweis).

Another article states this more explicitly, mentioning both unvaccinated children and vaccinated parents in one sentence: Ungeimpfte Kinder und Jugendliche müssen dann nach dem Urlaub zu Hause in häusliche Isolation, während ihre Eltern gegebenenfalls die Freiheiten einer Impfung genießen.

Beyond that, the ADAC (like the AAA in America) states explicitly that children must quarantine. Under "Entry from high-risk areas": Kinder unter 12 Jahren sind von der Test-Pflicht befreit, nicht jedoch von der Quarantäne-Pflicht: Für sie endet die Quarantäne automatisch am fünften Tag nach der Einreise. Beispiel: Findet die Einreise nach Deutschland am 1. September statt, ist die Quarantäne am 6. September automatisch beendet.

Hope this helps!