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2170 posts

I think the virus is smarter than we humans. Let’s hope things improve as the year progresses. Hopefully next year will be a healthier year for traveling without the need for ongoing restrictions.

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4074 posts

Not worth the risk traveling to Europe yet with rules being so fluid given the vastly increased # of cases. For me, it may not even be worth planning yet.

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8071 posts

I’m traveling to Italy in a month and watching the news for current updates. All of my hotels are either refundable, or I’m trying to use my hotel vouchers. The only costs right now I would lose are a concert ticket for a small venue and an opera ticket for Verona.

Since planning a trip and researching are part of the fun, if the travel gets pulled, I’ve already at least mentally been on my trip!

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6686 posts

Same here, Jean. I don't think this virus is going anywhere soon, and all people can do is make an informed guess. I also have a trip planned this year, and all my expenditures are changeable, refundable or cancellable.

When were started to make our plans, we thought later this year would be the safest bet. Actually, as it turns out, people that went in June/beginning of July, did pretty well on their bet and I'm not sure what the results of mine will be.

I've done A LOT of planning so if we need to cancel or make changes, I will surely be sad. However, like Jean, I will have two trips completely planned to use for the future. Plus, I'd be able to make some "tweaks" to resolve some minor issues that I've found later in the planning process.

And I'm not convinced that those waiting until 2022, especially winter and spring are necessarily in the "clear" or any better off than those of us hoping for this year. As weather gets colder, people will be indoors which is a much better environment for spreading of the virus.

All people can do is make their own plans based on their own predictions of risk and what they are willing to take on.

Posted by
497 posts

We leave in a little over 5 weeks but find I am envious of my 82 year old neighbor who took off last Friday and will spend nearly 3 months in the EU. So far he has has no issues but is updating me. He started In Amsterdam.

I also agree that winter is going to be dicey and just hoping late August will work for us. I actually have another trip set for next May and in some ways more concerned about that one coming on the heels of winter.

Fingers crossed for August! It is fun but also a lot of hard work doing the planning, but nothing will be wasted. Even Eurail extended our activation dates for the passes we bought until August 2022. However I remain optimistic for this year!