I am flying tomorrow, Monday, Dec 6, the first day of the new US requirement of a negative Covid test, one day prior to departure. My flights are Hamburg to Zurich to US.
Since today is Sunday, and it seems all pharmacies and testing centers are closed in Hamburg, I went to the airport for my antigen test. I got the result in 60 minutes, via email, which is negative. I was able to automatically link the result to the Luca app.
Afterwards, I stopped by the Swiss Air/Lufthansa check in desk for the attestation form, which they gave me the one being used up until today, with the three day test period in the text. I asked if there was a new form for the new rules, and they had no clue the requirements were changing. One person kept insisting I needed a PCR test. After talking to them, I went back up to the testing center and waited for notification of my test, and had them print out the results in both German and English.