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Quick Update: travel following Covid

I have been traveling for several days now after starting off on my trip day 6 after symptoms and having converted to negative.

It is going far better than I could have expected! I’ll share actual trip details when it is all done, but I wanted to give an update that travel immediately after the 5 day period can work if your health permits. I’m very glad I made the decision to go.

I’ve been tired in the late afternoons, but seem to be doing better each day. I’ve pretty much kept up with my son and daughter-in-law. I’ve walked 8 -9 miles a day the last two days.

A surprising side benefit is that I don’t feel so frustrated when people are coughing around me, since I am unlikely to get Covid again in the next month.

Posted by
1688 posts

Very happy to hear that you recovered so quickly, feeling well and keeping up with the young 'uns!

Posted by
151 posts

So happy that you are tested negative and went on your trip. Good luck and enjoy your travels.

Posted by
15141 posts

Thanks so much for the update! It sounds like you are doing well. Yea to the decrease in frustration!

Look forward to a TR when you are back home.

Posted by
2440 posts

Thank you for the updates.

This newest COVID is very communicable but apparently most persons are not getting very sick. It does not sound much worse than a flu or bad cold.

I am getting my flu shot and newest COVID shot tomorrow.

Regarding coughing. I have long term chronic bronchitis. that is bad enough to now be considered within the same grouping of COPD. i cough a lot sometimes and yes, people look at me. On the bus, I have had people get up and change seats It is very embarassing.

Glad that you are doing better Carol. Keep on traveling.

I am leaving on the 5th of October.

Posted by
9383 posts

Glad you are enjoying the trip with your family.

Looking forward to your trip report.

Posted by
4727 posts

Sounds like a happy ending. So glad for you.

Posted by
3966 posts

So sorry you've been sick!
Glad you are feeling better.
I hope you can regain some strength and enjoy the rest of your trip.
Best wishes to you.

Posted by
9077 posts

@ Tom. What I said and what your expert said are the same thing. I will have increased immunity for at least 4 weeks.

Posted by
3517 posts

This newest COVID is very communicable but apparently most persons are not getting very sick. It does not sound much worse than a flu or bad cold.

Apparently, I am not "most persons". I tested positive on September 17, two days after we got home from our trip to the UK. It's been 12 days, and I have never been this miserable in my life. Trust me, the newest Covid can be much much worse than the flu or a bad cold. Do not underestimate this enemy.

Posted by
9077 posts

@estimated prophet. So sorry to hear you are ill. I do recognize how very fortunate I have been. I noticed an incredible difference as soon as I started on Paxlovid. Did your doctor feel this was an option for you?

Posted by
945 posts

Carol, thanks for the update. I’m on Day 2 of Paxlovid with a trip scheduled for October 10. My (first) case is mild so far, but we really won’t know until just a few days before the trip whether we can go. Husband finished his paxlovid two days ago. Fingers crossed.

Estimated Prophet, I’m so sorry you are having such a miserable time. There is just no way to predict, so we will continue to mask and be very careful once we recover. And will check with doctors to see how soon to get the updated vaccine.

Posted by
3517 posts

I tested positive at an urgent care clinic. The PA didn't mention paxlovid, and I just didn't think to ask about it. I was not expecting to hear that I had Covid.

Posted by
38 posts

We just finished the MSV Tour. My husband came down with Covid the next to the last day of the tour. Tuesday he ended up in the ER. Luckily, my nephew was the medic who showed up to take his vitals and take him to the hospital. I tested positive four days later in Budapest. It is very scary being sick so far from home. If we could do over, we would cancel our trip. This new variant, if we caught it in Europe is not mild. We were fully vaccinated prior to the tour.

Posted by
813 posts

I tested positive at an urgent care clinic. The PA didn't mention paxlovid, and I just didn't think to ask about it. I was not expecting to hear that I had Covid.

Did you go to the clinic within five days of your first symptoms? We had online appointments the same day we tested positive and the NPs offered both of us Paxlovid. We were told it had to be started within the first five days. My husband was allergic to it, and it ended up being a lot more powerful than what I needed for my symptoms, so we quit taking it early on. I still have the rest of it, just in case I get Covid, again.

I hope you are better soon!

Posted by
38 posts

We took Paxlovid just in case we needed it in Europe. We are very glad we had it with us. It was free at our local pharmacy after primary care provider sent in the prescription.