I copied and pasted the below from the tr.usembassy.gov website. It seems to say that if someone on your arrival plane has Covid, then you will be subject to a 14-day quarantine. We are scheduled beginning late March for Best of Turkey to be followed by the Istanbul tour, altogether a little more than 3 weeks. This in fact seems a little risky to me, and beyond my control. I called the RS office last week and was told that they would check into the situation. I haven’t received any follow up. Should we risk travel under these circumstances?
“Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? Yes
COVID-19 control measures for air, land, and sea travel continue. Passengers arriving in Turkey will be required to complete an information form and will be checked for symptoms. Anyone suspected of having COVID-19 will be transported to a hospital for examination or to a dormitory to self-isolate. If an individual on a particular aircraft/vehicle/vessel is found to have COVID-19, the information forms completed upon arrival will be used to identify others have been in contact with them; those individuals will then be subject to 14-day isolation/quarantine. “