Going back to Ireland mid June and spoke to Aer Lingus about the testing and they laid out this procedure. If you test positive the day before contact them that day and rebook in 5 days. If you test positive again in 5 days contact them again and rebook another 5 days. If you still test positive the third time you can return to the US as long as you can show proof you tested positive 10 days ago. Hope this crazy policy ends and I have up to 4/30 to be able to postpone.
That's USA government policy - nothing to do with Air Lingus - I think they are being very generous. If youre still testing postivie after 10 days - you're still infectious and should still be isolating
Have you already read through this thread regarding getting a recovery certificate?
You are right. Only you can decide when it is the correct time to travel for you.
The information you received from Aer Lingus was not entirely correct as far as US Entry requirements go.
The requirements are a negative test or documentation of recovery, period. Ireland does not require a quarantine, but requests that you self-isolate.
Only thing you can count on is that tomorrow there may be some mandate changing. For those going in the future, be ready to roll with the flow on Covid testing. The U.S. is tougher coming back than other countries going east.
We got tested in Germany in November before we came back into the U.S. But the only time anyone on our entire trip checked our vaccinations and Covid test was entering a sit down restaurant in Berlin. But travelers still have to be prepared.