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Posted by
56 posts

We flew on Air France out of Dulles a little over a week ago and the gate person passed out masks to those not wearing the required mask. The cloth ones we’d been wearing in the U.S., and happened to be wearing at the gate, don’t qualify. Therefore, we took the offered mask, which was the common blue surgical one, for the flight. I’d recommend leaving for your trip with several of those common surgical masks in your bag. We’ve been in Germany for almost two weeks now and I can say that I haven’t seen masks for sale here everywhere like in the U.S.

Posted by
308 posts

I just flew back through Vienna this past weekend and all passengers were required to wear a KN95-type mask. Cloth ones weren't allowed and they sent people to the nearby sundries shop to buy one if they didn't have the right kind. Didn't have this same issue on domestic flights, just in Europe on Austrian Airlines.

Posted by
4947 posts

the worldwide standard seems to be N95 or KN95, why risk it. They are now fairly easy to find everywhere, I even saw N95 at Office Depot yesterday. Just beware that, sadly and naturally, there are counterfeits.

one frequently recommended site is bona fide masks

Posted by
16660 posts

From the responses, you can guess who clicked on the link and who didn't.

Posted by
3961 posts

I guess that type of mask would be “like flying on a wing & a prayer?” ;)

Posted by
4108 posts

From the responses, you can guess who clicked on the link and who

Sometimes I want to go all Emily Litella in a thread, too.

Posted by
56 posts

You’re right, Frank! I did not click on the link till now….lol. Good one!

Posted by
1117 posts

We’ve been in Germany for almost two weeks now and I can say that I
haven’t seen masks for sale here everywhere like in the U.S.

Where did you look? They are all over the place... in every supermarket, every drugstore, every pharmacy...

From the responses, you can guess who clicked on the link and who

Sometimes it makes sense not to click on every link... I am not going to try the one in the 8.22 a.m. posting for instance. (Reported.)

Posted by
12178 posts

The blue masks are better than nothing but a K95 would have been better.

Perhaps, but at 500 MPH I have no doubt it has a snug fit

Posted by
3961 posts

It's all about the nose of plane: Rounded-Nose Airplanes are able to create a suction on the fuselage, thereby pulling the air around the airplane- minimal resitance allowing for a snug mask fit. Planes like the Boeing 747 & massive Airbus A380, have a rounded nose.

Posted by
1117 posts

I just don't want to see a mask with an exhalation valve on a plane.

Posted by
5013 posts

“From the responses, you can guess who clicked on the link and who didn't.”

Hahaha! I though the same.