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Non approved vaccines

Now something new to wonder about.

In a nutshell, a show in the US is requiring proof of vaccination to attend, but the vaccination has to be FDA approved. Astrazeneca is approved in many countries, but not the US. I wonder how this will affect me? In my case, my first jab was Astrazeneca and my 2nd jab being done today is Pfizer. It's been approved to be done this way in Canada. But will other countries be ok with it?

So many things to think about.

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351 posts

I am in the same boat. Have not had my second but have an appointment on Canada Day. I read that now the Bruce Springsteen show is now accepting FDA and WHO approved vaccines. But nothing about mixing. I hope that as time goes by mixing will be approved. Many in Europe are doing this. I am trying to decided to I get a second Astrazenca shot instead. But it sounds like the mixing is but better for protection. On a personal note I am not happy with my decision to listen to the government "the first shot is the best shot" maybe I should have waited to get Pfzier for both.

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5760 posts

Seems like everyone ( including the WHO?) is waiting on the current Oxford study on the efficacy of mixed doses. Supposedly it's coming out soon.

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4752 posts

On a personal note I am not happy with my decision to listen to the
government "the first shot2 is the best shot" maybe I should have
waited to get Pfzier for both.

I've had those thoughts as well, but the advice was sound at the time. Nobody could have predicted that our Astra supply would disappear. Anyway, I've just got back from my 2nd jab. Alberta has a vaccine lottery, so bring on my million dollars.

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4657 posts

Are you planning to travel to the US before 2022? Chances are by Fall we will need annual boosters in which case there will be a whole other set of rules. Or for a year or two travel were AZ is accepted.

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351 posts

Good luck on the lottery. We don't have one here is Ontario. I was hoping to possibly go to the Boston in August if the border opens but I am more focused on going to Europe in Summer of 2022. Less worried as many got AZ overseas. Just hoping that mixing is ok

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4752 posts

Are you planning to travel to the US before 2022?

No travel plans at all right now, but if things were getting better in the Fall and I found a great seat sale I may head to Southern California and catch a Dodgers or Padres game.

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4657 posts

Backtracked on the 'no AZ' stance.
I appreciate it is a concern and raises mental questions, but Az is a WHO recognized vaccine. Now, the mix of shots? That may cause confusion in the short term depending on the person on duty at that day and wha document you have as proof. I just looked at my 'receipt' emailed to me after my second Pfizer shot last week. It gives the Pfizer and dosage and a clear line that states 'You have received two valid doses'. No mention of when and what my first dose was. I suspect the average joe/jane on duty looking at vaccine proof will only be looking at that sort of thing.
Good luck with those seat sales, Allan.

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4657 posts
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4752 posts

Thanks Maria. This statement from your link is what I've been wondering about when travelling to other countries:

In order to be considered fully vaccinated, travellers will have had
to have received a full series of a vaccine, or a combination of
vaccines that have been authorized by Health Canada

It makes me wonder if that is similar language to what other countries will use for visitors. For example, what if the United States says a visitor must have an FDA approved vaccine? Since I'm 1 part Astra and 1 part Pfizer would I not be welcome? Based on that statement from our government I would have to assume it is the intention of any official document to state which vaccine(s) I was given. I've been reading a few articles this morning regarding the US and the Astra vaccine and it appears that the US is no longer in any hurry to approve Astra because it has enough stock of all the others already approved.

Coming home will no longer be a problem, but getting out without testing or quarantining could still be a concern.

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4657 posts

Allan, as I mentioned earlier, my documentation says '2 approved vaccines'. So it may all depend on what type of documentation we have and what needs to be entered. Maybe downloading the ArriveCAN app will give you an idea of what is asked...knowing it needs to be updated again July 5th, of course. It seems it is meant to lead to a digital vaccine document so it might help you gain some insight. But if you can't go to California, you can go to other places where Canadians are welcomed with no quarantine or even testing requirements.