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Posted by
34560 posts

just curious - how will you be able to document vaccinations and boosters if when you travel the country wants to see proof if the new variants take hold? Curious about the timing as we go into winter....

Posted by
11888 posts

Nigel, Most states have a provision to download your record. I have been carrying such a PDF for a couple of years now. Also, your doctor can give you such a record. In each case the document looks more official than the scrawling on the cards.

Posted by
8076 posts

I'm glad they didn't cut off their noses...

Yes, that would make it hard to keep a mask on :-)
Cards are going by the wayside, and mask use is way down, but documentation and mask wearing still have their place.

Posted by
8076 posts

The USA Today story in the link reports:

your state health department immunization information system can provide you a digital or paper copy of your full vaccination record, including your COVID-19 vaccinations, but cannot issue you a new vaccination card

Posted by
726 posts

Since Covid vaccinations began my state maintains a record of almost all types of vaccinations for each individual. It is readily available from a secure site online for downloading. There must be a reporting obligation by pharmacies, medical centers, doctors, etc to submit this information. It’s an officially accepted document.

Posted by
274 posts

I went in the other day for my booster, and the nurse said the cards are no longer required. I live in NY, and though they do keep a record, not all of my vaccines show up on my "passport". The nurse was kind enough to record my booster on one of the cards I brought in.

Posted by
321 posts

Just had most recent booster last week and it filled up the last spot on my card -- sixth Covid jab since 2021. It's routine now, but I remember how welcome it was to get that first one.

Posted by
16741 posts

What country still requires visitors to show proof of vaccination? I can't think of any.

Posted by
766 posts

We are required to show it on a cruise but that requirement of the cruise company ends Nov 3

Posted by
34560 posts

Frank II, I didn't say there are. But if they can require it before they can require it again if they think they need to, I would have thought keeping proof would be better than not doing so, but I don't like border checks very much really.

There's an old expression, better safe than sorry.

It sounds good that every state is stepping up to the challenge

Posted by
16879 posts

We got our latest COVID booster 2 weeks ago at CVS, and they asked us in advance to bring our vaccination cards for updating. The cards are pretty much full now so no idea what will happen next year but the pharmacy also emails us an updated record. Those worked when we ran into a historic church in NYC last fall that only allowed admittance with proof of the jab.

Posted by
656 posts

I just got the updated vaccine at the Publix pharmacy. I brought my already full vaccination card just in case. I was given a new CDC card with the date written in. Evidently they still had a supply of cards.

Posted by
5331 posts

Despite no longer "needing" the cards, we're going to keep ours as who knows what will happen six months or a year from now. We also plan to get the document from the state health department showing all our shots.

Posted by
15230 posts

I brought the CDC card with me on this trip, kept it (the original) with the passport. It lists my entire record of being "jabbed." True, never had to produce it. Before the month of Oct. is out, booster # 5 along with the 2 original Pfizer will be recorded when that jab takes place.