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New covid shot available

As I’m prepping for a work trip to Europe next month, I went ahead and got both my flu shot and the newest Covid variant shot.

I just thought I’d pass it on in case anybody else was thinking about whether they needed an update on their Covid vaccinations

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2893 posts

I got both of mine 2 weeks ago, immediately upon arriving home from Norway. I leave in 3 days for Iceland so wanted to get this done before the trip. I tried to get it before the Norway trip, but the news vaccine was not available here.

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8658 posts

I got mine yesterday, along with my flu shot. I don't have a trip planned until early spring, but I don't relish the idea of being really sick over the winter.

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2440 posts

I am getting both of mine the first week of October

Going to Barcelona mid-October and then a cruise. Hope that I will be fully protected by mid-October.

Posted by
16879 posts

Getting ours + flu shots on Thursday. Traveling domestically via flying petri dishes at end of this month.
I hate shots but it's a gotta do to minimize risk of long-term COVID. :O(

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2188 posts

Hubby and I got the booster, and it was # 9 for each of us (but who is counting?) Will wait another month for the flu shot to provide extra protection during when the local flu season typically happens. No travel planned.

We "still" keep our covid card updated and with our passports (even though the taped-on vaccine confirmations make it look like a long Chinese kite). And, YES, we do indeed realize we will likely never have to present the card (or proof of vaccine) for future travel reasons.

Sincere thanks to all others who are taking the same precautions -- helps to minimize the spread..

Saw a piece on local news that the most-recent European variant is "different," but apparently the updated booster here will provide some added protection. Same news piece mentioned a lot of parents have not gotten recent covid boosters for their school-aged children (likely thinking it is no longer important), and that will likely impact spread among the population at large.

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4155 posts

We leave on Sunday for Ireland so we were glad to get our Covid booster and flu shots last week. We both got Covid for the first time in February 2024 after a trip to Hawaii.

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2130 posts

Our doctor recommended we also get the RSV and so we did. It was fast, free, and easy. Quite a difference from a couple of years ago. Safe travels and good health to all.

Posted by
4155 posts

We didn’t need the RSV shot this year as we’d both gotten it last year. I had gotten that virus, RSV, on the previous winter’s trip to Hawaii. We are going back to Hawaii again this winter with all allowed vaccines, finger’s crossed emoji.

Posted by
16879 posts

We got RSV stabs last year, and my pharmacist says the time is right for a flu shot. I think RSV is a one-and-done, or is it an every-other-year deal?

Posted by
268 posts

I was first in line with my sleeve pushed up, as usual, for the new Covid vaccine formulated for (at this point) the newest variants. (I waited a week for the flu shot, since I tend to get side effects.)
And yes, added another little strip to my CDC card!
I just wanted to clarify that the vaccine doesn't provide protection against actually catching the virus- rather and hopefully, you will have protection from a more serious bout of the virus and/or its complications.
While I do feel better as far as having some new immunity, I continue to wear N95 masks everywhere, whether at home or traveling. I'm immunocompromised and have seen three colleagues' (it used to be one) lives upended by long Covid- no travel for them anymore.
I appreciate the Webmaster's reminder about keeping posts travel- related. Thank you! When I travel I now regard my masks as adaptive devices that permit me to travel to be with my family and see the world- no different than a cane or a weighted blanket for the plane- the assumption now, though, is that you have Covid if wearing a mask but ok!

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2928 posts

SInce I unwittingly caught Covid from a June 24 exposure, luckily a mild case as I have had every shot there is, I had made the decision to wait until after I return home Oct 1, after two weeks in Italy, the recommended 3 month wait after the illness. And will get the flu shot the same time. My partner, who somehow did not get it from me, got her shot last week.

Posted by
111 posts

I got the updated Novavax booster and flu shot at the same time last Wednesday (Sept 11). Heading on the RS Loire Valley to the South of France tour in about 2 weeks and want to make sure I'm as updated as possible. I'm also keen on adding to my European PPE stash, so I'm hoping France will still have some FFP2 masks for sale, lol.

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3655 posts

We just had Covid in July, me for the second time, despite being up to date with vaccines and boosters.
We know we would have been much more ill without them.

Husband came home from an International conference with it, so who knows who passed it on from which country.

Here in Canada the Health departments are saying wait a little bit till they get the newest boosters in stock, to hopefully vaccinate against the newest variants.
I believe they will be available in October, but you can still have one of the current shots if you want.

So I’ll have some immunity for my upcoming trip, but still taking KN95 masks and Covid test kits with me.
Keep well, everyone!

Posted by
221 posts

I got mine 9/6. We are leaving for Bavaria in two weeks. Will get the flu shot when we return home late October as I want to be more fully protected later in the season. Since I worked in health care my physician says I need the Hepatitis A vaccine (my understanding is two injections six months apart). Other than the flu and Hep A, I'm all ready for travel. I'm not too worried about contracting Covid but am taking test kits, O2 sat device and a thermometer along with me. We enjoy dining outdoors and will do so whenever possible on this trip.

Here's to healthy travels for all!

Traveler Girl

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16741 posts

I'm getting mine when I head back to the US in early October. I just put a reminder in my calendar to make an appointment for it.

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2081 posts

I'm getting both of mine tomorrow. I have surgery in 6 weeks and thought it would be a good idea. I hope to travel across the pond next spring with a brand new knee.

Posted by
9077 posts

Making sure immunizations are up to date is an important part of trip prep. I also think having a Covid test and over the counter meds for cold/ flu symptoms with you is also trip prep, particularly if you are a solo traveler. Sure they are available locally, but will you feel up to searching for them?

Posted by
2893 posts

Laurie Beth--Best wishes! I got my covid vaccine last year in September and my first new knee in early October. I had the second one done in March. Best things ever! I went to Iceland and Amsterdam in February and it was a treat to self for rehabbing that first knee. I am excited for you:)

My husband brought Covid home from Iceland about a month ago. We stayed on opposite ends of the house for the week from when he got home and when I left for Norway, and we masked inside. I was NOT catching it before that trip.

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10796 posts

We got our Covid and flu shots last Monday (9/9), the first day they were available to us. We leave for Munich tomorrow morning to begin a 6 week trip. I have packed masks, Covid tests, a thermometer and some cold and flu meds. Hopefully the tests and meds will be unnecessary, but the only two times I’ve gotten Covid were in 2022 (Scotland) and 2023 (Germany), so my track record for Europe isn’t great. Thankfully I never felt sick because I got boosters before each trip, but it’s an inconvenience because I wouldn’t want to expose anyone else.

Posted by
215 posts

Thank you all for getting vaccinated. We got the newest Covid vaccine as soon as we could here- August 28th- two weddings since and leaving for Italy on the 28th. Going on semi lockdown next week and masking on planes, trains and any crowded indoor space.
I've gotten every shot offered and still had a nasty case in February. Husband brought it home from work. Guess who didn't get sick?

Posted by
884 posts

Just a note, in most states you can request your vaccination record from your department of health services. It would have all of your Covid vaccinations and other things on it and it might be useful if you want to carry something with you. It would certainly be much more organized than the multi slips of paper, etc.

I mean my CVS no even gives out those little slips of paper. They email me the vaccination record.

Posted by
1631 posts

Colorado has the my CO app which shows you all your Covid vaccinations and can also store your digital drivers license and car registrations and other stuff like State Parks and hunting passes, etc. Maybe check if your states also has something handy like this where you always have it on your phone.

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813 posts

I have the Docket app for all of my immunizations. I can also find them on MyChart.

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2176 posts

I got the flu and Covid vaccine three weeks ago. I’m in Poland now for the past three days and not many masks seen. Fingers and toes crossed that I escape contracting it. I brought cold and flu meds with me. I somehow brought a small tube of shaving cream thinking it was toothpaste. It does not taste good at all.

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2911 posts

I wanted to thank the forum and Carol for this timely reminder --- somehow this had slipped my mind and I have a couple of upcoming flights, so I went and got the new covid booster and this year's flu shot today.

I've been a Moderna customer all the way, and have had no troubles or side effects;
I've had two slightly symptomatic cases, and am glad that that has been all.

Can still remember as a schoolboy missing school with bronchitis and how I would have preferred to be in school over having that wheezing and loss of energy. It was that yucky :-P

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16879 posts

Just figures.. Had hoped to have both jabs (covid and flu) over with last week but the pharmacy's fridge went down and they lost all of their flu vaccines. Back in for that stab today. At least my preferred arm isn't sore anymore!

Besides travel reasons, I volunteer customer-support at a food shelf and am around lots of folks who aren't particularly healthy. Would hate to pass the flu along to already compromised customers, and try to minimize my own chances of getting a really nasty case of covid. We've had a lot of staff/volunteers down from time-to-time with that bug.

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290 posts

FYI, not one person I know has gotten the latest Covid shot. And I read that nationally less than 10% of people have felt it necessary to get another shot. A very telling statistic.

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1755 posts

Couldn't get mine until after mid-October--that's when it became available here--but have received it now, thankfully.

Besides wanting to stay healthy when I travel (which is why I always mask in airports and on planes), I have a close family member who is a cancer patient, a close friend with an autoimmune disease, and a first grandbaby due in a couple of weeks. The holidays are coming, and I definitely wouldn't want to pass anything along to any of them!

I remain "Novid" and hope to keep it that way. :)

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16741 posts

When I was back in the US last month, I got mine. I figure it didn't cost me anything, I've never had Covid, why not just get the booster.

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377 posts

A group of twenty of us went on a trip to Europe a month ago. Most all of us got COVID boosters before we went. We did so since the boosters reduce the risk of severe covid, hospitalization, long covid and death. It also increases the likelihood of not getting sick when you travel and who doesn't like that?

Happy travels!

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824 posts

We both got our new covid booster on 9-8-24, exactly 2 weeks before we did the RS Greece tour and spent 10 days on our own as well. We were in crowded spaces many times and we both came back covid, cold and flu free. We did encounter many people coughing and sneezing almost everywhere. Our tour group stayed remarkably well - I suspect the beautiful warm sunny days contributed, So far our last 4 tours have always been timed to happen 2 weeks after the latest boosters and we've never caught covid traveling. It was rough in May 2024 when half of our Irish tour group were ill with colds and covid.

Many of our friends and relatives have gotten the new booster. Our age group is skewed older so many of us get vaccines free.

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3655 posts

I meet 3 long time girl friends for dinner every month.
Just before my trip to Italy this September we met up.
I’m not usually a “hugger” and definitely stay away from hugging people before I travel.
We did not hug that evening…. two days later, all three came down with Covid and I did not.
They were not up to date with their boosters/vaccines and I am.
I firmly believe that is why I didn’t contract it this time.
One of them is still feeling after effects two months later.
Going for my eighth shot next week, and thankful they are offered here.
As a retired nurse, I think it’s the right thing to do.

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3382 posts

I brought Covid back from Spain in May 2023. I've had long covid since, but, fortunately, not as debilitating as many people have it. In July, I discussed my travel activities with my doctor and she suggested I wait until January to get my shot to be fully armed for my winter activities and my RS Paris and the Heart of France tour in April. She said she wanted my RS trip, particularly, to be within 4 months of my booster. I'm going with that. If I have to turn this guided tour into my own My Way tour due to a flare up. I will. I don't have time to stop traveling. I'd like to add from my experience that being very fully vaccinated does not prevent you from getting either covid or long covid, but might limit the severity.

On the positive side, this situation permitted me to buy a new suitcase, a light spinner, which will physically stress me less during travel. LOL. One must always look at the positive!