On Friday, January 21st, I saw my parents. On Monday, January 24, 2022, which is yesterday, my dad tested positive for COVID-19. I live alone. I am 38 it this matters. My solo trip to Spain is March 12th, 2022.
Is there now a big risk of me testing positive on my way back from Spain?
Is my trip ruined?
Did I just loose the cost of my plane tickets if my trip is now ruined?
Why do i have get myself tested now?
A lot of you are over 60 and much more hyper-fearful about the virus than I would like to be. I don't know why I am not hyperfearful about dying from the virus. I thought if i was going to die early, it would be heart disease/heart attack, high blood pressure, and/or diabetes. I jogged on a treadmill yesterday. I have no known health problems.