On tour, wore mask every day, have all 4 shots. Saturday tested Covid positive, no symptoms. That ended out ability to complete the last 2 days. Monday husband was negative, Tuesday he was positive also no symptoms. We are still in Rome, trying to find out how to get a letter of recovery to show airlines. Anyone else in Italy have this experience and may be able to share where we can get a letter? We have asked several pharmacy's and not been able to find one that does. Also finding conflicting information on how many days we need to be symptom free to even get this letter? Our self test is showing strong line under C and the very faintest of a line under T (needed to take a pic and zoom in to see it.) Any advice, in advance....we thank you!!
Here is a thread on the subject with lots of information in it.
local dr in Italy, your own dr at home, or telemedicine option.
Look at the first two posts on this thread.
Carol you are an angel! I saved the quick md to my home page. If I understand it right if our self tests continue to be positive then we can get online Thursday next week (day 10 for hubby) and fly Thursday. Not great due to costs but at least it's a answer! Internet searches have been very frustrating. Thank you SO much for this quidence!
I believe you need an official test to start the clock, not an unproctored home test. Get one ASAP.
I got a positive test from Florence pharmacy last Saturday
The other thing to remember is that the date you test is considered "day zero". The next day (Sunday) was day one.
I hope you continue to feel better.
Thanks Carol, we both have and continue to feel great!