My husband and I have time off Christmas Eve through January 2 or 3 (which is like pulling teeth as trial lawyers in the time of video trials). After much debate we settled on Amsterdam and Copenhagen only to wake up to news that pretty strict COVID protocols (no big events, nothing open past 8:00 p.m. is going to effect for at least 3 weeks). We have not pulled the trigger on tickets but hope to do so this week. We are fully vaccinated (and will be boosted) and not worried about the protocols for getting into a country. We do however want to be able to really experience the place we do go. We may just go the easy route and go sit on a beach in Mexico but we prefer faster paced history/city life for our vacas.
Any sense from fellow Rick Steve's disciples on the least risky (meaning less likely to have shut downs and curfews) in the EU? Maybe Spain and Portugal because their vaccination rate is so high? France is cracking down on unvaccinated but do not appear to have curfews and such yet...