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Italy Green Pass—-no expiration for booster

I couldn’t find any other post about this, but I just looked at the official website, and it appears that the booster does not have a six-month expiration date,; that applies only to the original vaccination doses.

From the FAQ’s on the official website (only in Italian as far as I can figure out):

“Il tempo di emissione e la durata della Certificazione variano a seconda della prestazione sanitaria a cui sono collegati.

In caso di vaccinazione:

  • per la prima dose la Certificazione sarà generata entro 48 ore dopo la somministrazione, ma avrà validità a partire dal 15° giorno dalla prima dose e fino alla dose successiva;

  • per la dose di completamento del ciclo vaccinale primario e vaccinazione a seguito di guarigione, la Certificazione sarà generata entro 48 ore e sarà valida per 6 mesi (180 giorni) dalla data di vaccinazione;

  • per la dose di richiamo (booster) la Certificazione sarà generata entro 48 ore e ha efficacia senza necessità di nuove vaccinazioni.”

(Emphasis mine). From this website, under the FAQ’s under Green Pass”, last question in that group.

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12211 posts

The time of issue and the duration of the Certification vary according to the health service to which they are connected.

In case of vaccination:

for the first dose the Certification will be generated within 48 hours after administration, but will be valid from the 15th day from the first dose and up to the next dose;

for the completion dose of the primary vaccination course and vaccination following recovery, the Certification will be generated within 48 hours and will be valid for 6 months (180 days) from the date of vaccination;

for the booster dose, the Certification will be generated within 48 hours and is effective without the need for new vaccinations. "

Hopefully someone conversant in Italian can advise on the accuracy of the above translation

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17603 posts

Thanks, Joe—-that looks good to me. I can read the Italian, but did not want to tackle the nuances of translation.

It is that last part, about boosters—-that is important. As originally written, it sounded like the boosters would expire after 6 months as well, which caused a lot of concern among people planning to travel to Italy in May or later, with an October booster. This means they do not have to worry (and don’t have to try and get another booster).

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2345 posts

Many thanks for the post. Our booster was going to be outside the time frame, so tentatively this looks like I can take a deeper breath.

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8073 posts

It would appear, then, that the Super Green Pass, issued to booster-vaccinated Italians, is permanent. Maybe the same with Americans having their booster shot documented on their CDC card.

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11880 posts

Thanks, Lola! If we get our Green Pass in IT then we are good to go in Switzerland after (I hope).

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17603 posts

Cyn, I am assuming that is the case. The only difference between the Green Pass and the super Green Pass is the latter has no testing alternative. It is vaccinated (and boosted if the 2d vaccine dose was more than 6 months ago) or recovered, no exception for a negative covid test.

Since they recognize the US CDC card documentation as the equivalent of a Green Pass, it should suffice for a Super Green Pass as well.