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Is Shengen travel still a thing?

Some EU countries are open for Americans - and Spain will even accept non-vaccinated Americans. So does that mean you can fly to Spain, then get on a train and go to France, Italy, and Germany? It seems hard to believe that the other countries would allow unvaccinated people to "sneak" in via car/train/ Or are they going to imposing border control from country to country? When I went from Barcelona to Paris via TGV Jan 2020, they had a French border agent working in the Barcelona station (much like the Eurostar but much more casual).

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5537 posts

Unvaccinated Americans are welcome in most European countries right now. Visitors to most countries may enter with proof of recovery from COVID or negative proof of a recently taken test. I think your information is faulty. Land border controls have also been in place throughout the pandemic. Schengen.

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6113 posts

If you are visiting several countries, irregardless of how you get there, you must comply with the requirements of each country that you are visiting as an American.

Posted by
700 posts

Thanks. So it sounds like there are now border controls between EU countries again.

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8304 posts

There have been some checkpoints near borders during the pandemic, but at the moment I do not believe any Schengen countries have border controls at intra-Schengen borders.

You are responsible for knowing the restrictions, and following them. You can be asked for proof of testing, vaccination if that is a requirement, when and how you entered the country, and can be fined, held, or deported if found in violation. There have been reports of cars stopped (Driving a rental with foreign plates is a pretty big red flag) and in most countries, when you check into a hotel, your information is logged with the Police (that is why they ask for your passport).

While lack of Border Controls may seem like non-enforcement, it just is not the case. After all, just because you see no Police on the roads, does not suddenly make speeding legal.

Posted by
21 posts

I would like to know more about this too! My wife and I are hoping to fly into Frankfurt in mid-October, then either take a train or drive into Italy and Switzerland after spending some time in Germany, then fly home out of Munich 4 weeks later. We are fully vaccinated US citizens and will bring our original US Vaccination cards with us. We don't want the hassle of having to schedule and plan for a PCR test to be able to enter back into the US. We also do not want to go unless there are no more mask restrictions in place, and all of the restaurants, stores, etc. are fully open. If that is not the case, we would most likely wait until the spring, although we are dying to go in October. Thoughts?

Posted by
740 posts

Why any country would allow non-vaccinated people in is beyond comprehension.

Posted by
4947 posts

drewp, you're asking about restrictions 3 months from now. it's impossible to know what things will look like that far away, let alone 3 WEEKS from now. Here in California we're currently on a mask/no mask roller coaster that changes every few days, Europe will be the same. Watch and wait.

It's like an IDP - better to have it than not, even if not always requested. If you can prove you're vaccinated you should be welcome anywhere without an outbreak requiring quarantine.

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1258 posts

We are fully vaccinated US citizens ... We don't want the hassle ... We also do not want to go unless ... we are dying to go in October. Thoughts? <

Yes. Just chill for another six to twelve months. With the variants on the rampage, why would you risk your health? Take a river or coastal cruise in the States. Ride the Rocky Mountaineer. Road trip to a string of US cities you've never visited.

Posted by
700 posts

We are fully vaccinated and have digital and printed cardss from US CDC. And I don't think any country should allow non-vaccinated people in. Spain and France are somewhat open, but Austria and UK seem closed for frivolous travel.

It may actually be better to go sooner - if one waits until Nov when flu season begins, could be more lockdowns.

But this is further compounded by another thing for me. I am US citizen but my travel companion holds Chinese passport with US Green card. On the French gov website in US, they say to apply for French visa, but somewhere else - I think on the Re-Open EU app, they said China is not allowing EU citizens so EU will not allow Chinese citizens.

Posted by
1637 posts

"Take a river or coastal cruise in the States"

Why would you ever think a cruise would be safer than going to Europe. The variants do not care where you are located. And so far, the vaccines have proven effective against the variants. No guarantee on anything in the future.

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8304 posts

Yeah, if you want guarantees and you want assurance that there will be no masks, no testing, and everything will be open...then the best advice is to just wait until next year, or longer.

If you want to go yet this year, you need to accept risk, you need to be willing to change plans at the drop of a hat, you need to get a vaccination, you need to prepare for multiple tests...even with a vaccination, and need to be prepared to comply with any measures like masks, curfews, travel restrictions, etc.

As for vaccination, it is for your own protection. A number of countries have eased restrictions for those who are vaccinated, but no country has said you must be vaccinated to travel. If this seems nonsensical, I suppose, but even in the US few to no restrictions on non-vaccinated people have stuck; and in cases where they have insisted, it is an honor system for verification.

Posted by
3337 posts

RailRider, if you enroll in STEP: the US government will keep you posted of all entry and exit requirements via email for all the countries that you’re traveling to. This is what the US government recommends to all Americans traveling abroad.

Posted by
700 posts

Is that site legit? They ask for a lot of personal info which seems unnecessary to provide general travel advice.

Posted by
3337 posts

Is that site legit? They ask for a lot of personal info which seems unnecessary to provide general travel advice.

Yes, it's legit and I've been using it since 2014. You can also access it through What questions were you asked because I don't remember being asked personal questions. However, I don’t enroll until my plans are finalized.

Posted by
4947 posts

I find the Points Guy website has very up to date info on the ever-changing requirements

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664 posts

@drewp --while most things in Germany are somewhat or fully open at the moment, that can change very quickly. Last summer things were great and mostly open minus big festivals or gatherings, and we would meet friends in smaller groups or in public parks, etc. But then the second wave hit in October--and HARD. We spent most of the winter with restrictions. While vaccines are working wonders and allowing things to open slowly and regular testing helps, it is still anybody's guess what the variants will bring. Germany is conservative in its approach (thus the current entry restrictions).

What I CAN tell you is that in October masks will almost certainly still be a thing. If you aren't comfortable wearing a mask indoors (and here we no longer accept cloth masks--surgical or FFP2/N95), you might want to push back.

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4947 posts

don't let's forget, things are serious enough that Octoberfest was cancelled. Again. That's a big deal.