Nope, none required right now AFAIK.
As said already, things can change at any time, but the trend has certainly been for lessening of restrictions and requirements.
What hasn't been said yet, but is objectively true, is that COVID - and other respiratory diseases (the COVID, influenza, and RSV trifecta) are currently on the upswing, sometimes described as surging (depends on where you are, but it's a consistent trend at home and internationally).
Most would suggest it's wise to make sure you're as protected as you can be just for your own health, comfort and chances at having a successful trip, even without any hard, official entry requirements. Getting COVID while traveling (in Europe or anywhere) isn't as much of a life-threatening showstopper as it was pre-vaccines - for most folks who have some degree of protection, it's just an ugly, annoying inconvenience. For those with no natural protection from a previous infection, vaccination history (or no updates) it's a greater risk. It's worth keeping in mind that we are all sharing air when in crowded places (and when we travel, that's a lot of the time). But ultimately, it's your call.
Take care and have a good trip.