Just wondering what insurance you’ve purchased to cover hotel expenses incurred for quarantine.
We normally go with Travel Guard. We’re planning to test before departure and, if we’re positive, and it looks like Trip Cancellation will cover it. However (if I’m reading this correctly), once travel commences, it will cover medical costs but not hotels. Thank you.
This is from Travel Guard’s website:
“On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Coronavirus (COVID-19) a
pandemic. Therefore, any losses for trip cancellation, trip interruption and/or trip delay caused by
or resulting from quarantine due to COVID-19 is not considered "Unforeseen" and will not be
covered under the terms and conditions of this insurance policy.
However, this does not affect any Medical Benefits available under the insurance policy. If you
contract COVID-19 prior to departure, you would be covered for Trip Cancellation, if you have a
confirmed and documented diagnosis and/or you are medically unable to travel at the time of
departure due to COVID-19. If you contract COVID-19 while on a covered trip, you would be covered
for Medical Expense and Trip Interruption/Curtailment benefits if you have a confirmed and
documented diagnosis.“