I’m flying to Germany in October and will fly back to JFK out of Frankfurt. In case my Covid test I take to return to the US comes out as positive, I want to have insurance in place to cover hotel expenses, food expenses, medical expenses if required, and airline fees from having to change my flight home. Please recommend companies that provide this insurance so I can price policies and then pick one. Thank you!
You need to do some research in your own
Re entry test requirement should hopefully be dropped by October.
Somehow I don’t think the US testing requirements will be dropped by October. I was hoping the US would return to the 3 day Covid test re-entry requirement! Thank you for the link.
You might look at Allianz.
I would hope this ridiculous requirement is dropped by then. Read the airline reimbursement carefully - that seems to be rather limited in a lot of policies.
Like carol mentioned, I like Allianz because they clearly state all their covid coverage on their website.
That’s who I used for my trip last year and will use for my trip next month. I haven’t had to file claim, so I can’t speak to their handling of claims.
I realize many people are tired of these testing and/or masking requirements, and I am reading all these posts carefully as we plan our trip to London & Ireland for this fall. My contribution to the conversation at the moment is this - earlier this month, we had a family gathering in a small New Jersey shore town over a long weekend. We went to a number of restaurants, a winery, a few shops - typical stuff. There was some distancing but very minimal masking. We were all vaxed and boosted. Two of the five of us ended up with Covid. One of us (81 years old), had a bad enough time that she went to the ER. She was checked out and sent home with a prescription, which was a big help. My point is, it is still out there. It was very scary and very unpleasant.
Insuremytrip or squaremouth are two sites to check for trip interruption insurance that covers covid. Compare the different policies closely to see what isn't covered and what the payout policy is. They generally won't cover prepaid costs that are refunded as a credit or voucher for future use. And most only pay out as reimbursement- you need to pay up front and then get reimbursed after submitting the claim and receipts.
Also, some policies are secondary - not sure what they require for payout but I always look for primary coverage. The policies I have seen cover a specific $ per day up to a max and time limits. I haven’t seen one that covers 100% as there is no control on the cost. I did see some policies not covering quarantine in the fine print…
I definitely will read the fine print. I need to be covered in case I test positively the day before returning home. I plan on getting the second booster shot 4 weeks before I leave for Germany in hopes that its coverage will be strong or at least make the endurance of Covid not as bad as when I had it in March 2020 which was a terrible experience. I know there are no guarantees. These unknown expenses of additional hotel stay, food delivery, and airline change fees are a stress for me.