Hello everyone, I appreciate this forum. I have a problem I am hoping someone might know the answer to, or know where I should start asking.
My son takes Humira, an injectable medication, due to an autoimmune disorder. We are scheduled to be on a cruise beginning and ending in Rome in August. My question is: if he should test positive and need to isolate, he will need access to this medication. I am not sure who we would talk to in Rome about this, if you are in a quarantine hotel are you given an advocate or someone who can navigate complications like this for you?
I know the easy answer is to bring along another dose just in case. The trouble is that it needs to be refrigerated, and I understand they won't keep things for you in a fridge on cruise ships. So our plan is to have him inject right before we leave for Italy, which will give us two weeks until another dose is due.
So I'm wondering what they do with those who must quarantine, but have special medication issues such as we do, where we'll need access to this medication. I am sure they have Humira in Italy, but I'm not sure how we'd go about getting it in case we are quarantined.
Thank you kindly.