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I caught Covid on my trip.

Just got back from France late Thursday night and caught it for the first time. Symptoms didn’t begin until 36 hours after I returned home thankfully. 3 days it’s been like a mini-flu. The coughing is the most irritating of it all. Chills, night sweats and unbelievable fatigue. I’m on day 5 now and since yesterday seem to be improving a lot each day. The pharmacies refused to give me a booster a month before I left because I wasn’t 65. I haven’t had one since September 2022. I was so ticked. But again, it was most likely this new strain.

We went to Italy last year when masks were still mandatory on planes and trains and we wore them in museums and walking thru large crowds. The 4 of us tested negative. It’s amazing how well those masks work if everyone uses them.

Posted by
7054 posts

I hope you continue to feel better. The newest booster wasn't approved by the FDA until mid-September or available at pharmacies until about a few days to a week after that, so I'm not sure which booster you are referring to given the timing of your trip. I had my last one in September 2022 as well, and received the new one on September 28, 2023 (shortly after it became available at Kaiser). I think the age restrictions and phasing are reasonable in order to give the most vulnerable initial priority.

Posted by
945 posts

The cough is the worst, isn’t it? I hope you feel better soon. I just rebounded on Saturday after testing negative and feeling great for 3 days , and had to cancel our long-awaited trip to France planned for yesterday.

Posted by
16741 posts

Even some of the pharmacies are not up to date with the new booster.

I had an appointment on Wednesday to get the new booster. (Walgreens.) I went in and the rude pharmcist on duty said he couldn't give it to me since it hadn't been four months since my last booster. I told him that I qualified for the new booster. He said there was no new booster, didn't care what the CDC said and he goes by what Walgreens tells him.

I left, found a local CVS online that could give me the shot that day and went. I asked the pharmacist if was getting the new Omnicrom booster. She said yes. I asked if I qualified. She said "you're fine" and gave me the shot.

What's really strange is that both Walgreens and CVS's website stated that I coud get the new booster as long as it has been two months since the last one. The Walgreens pharmacist didn't care.

Posted by
10796 posts

I hope you feel better soon. Last year we got boosters 2 weeks before a 10 week trip. We masked on planes, indoors and in crowds outdoors. Three weeks into the trip I got it. Thankfully it was very mild, so much so that I almost didn’t test. I must have been exposed in a breakfast room or one of the few places we had to eat indoors. No matter how careful we are there’s still a chance of getting it.

Posted by
15141 posts

Well, darn. The souvenir no one wants!

I'm glad you are on the mend!

Frank! Honestly, I'd report that pharmacist to Walgreens. I understand healthcare folks being stressed and unhappy. I don't understand them giving you wrong information.

Posted by
6723 posts

Us too, We got back from France on October 4. The afternoon of the 5th, we started to have symptoms. We are sure we caught it in the champagne region where we did a tour and some tastings. The timing is right. @Lulu, where do you think you got it?

I've been quite sick. I did get a booster 2 weeks before I left so it didn't do much for me. I've gotten a booster just before every trip to Europe and had avoided it until now. The new booster was released about 4 days into our trip. Go figure. We wear masks on planes, in airports and on trains, etc. Unfortunately, I would guess we were contagious on our flight.

This new strain seems to be more severe and more contagious.

As typical, my husband and I have had fairly different symptoms. We both have what is like a severe head cold and are very tired. I had fever and chills for 5 days. He did not. I have a minor cough and a quite a sore throat. I didn't look into the antiviral because I didn't feel I needed it, but each day, I had more symptoms and still had fever. By the time I decided that maybe I'd get it, it was too late.

I decided I preferred bringing COVID home from France vs. bed bugs.

Posted by
16879 posts

Lulu, so sorry you're so sick! 🤒
At least it didn't hit you until home to your own bed.
Feel better soon, and give us a trip report when up to snuff again, OK?

Posted by
5331 posts

Frank, I agree with Pam about letting Walgreens know what you encountered. The downward trend of service in all areas will never change unless we all speak up.

Posted by
74 posts

We just got back from the Loire to the South of France tour. We were vigilant on the way to France and while with the group, but ended up with symptoms within 2 days of our return. A family member who is a Dr. recommended we contact our health care provider. Paxlovid was prescribed because we are over 65. My husband started taking the drug yesterday and is feeling much better today. Something to consider for those with serious symptoms.

Posted by
3655 posts

I’m sorry you got “it”, but happy to hear that you are slowly recovering.
I’m planning for my winter trip to the UK.
I have a good stock of new Canadian made KN95 masks, will get fresh test kits from our local drugstore, and I’m having my flu shot and the new Covid vaccine this Friday.
And crossing my fingers.

Hope everyone is keeping healthy.

Posted by
9077 posts

Lulu, I am sorry you are ill. I am glad you were able to enjoy your trip before you became sick. Honestly, the current strain of Covid can be caught just about anywhere. Keep up with the good recovery.

Posted by
8373 posts

The dead giveaway is when you lose your sense of taste. My wife has had COVID three times--the first of which was in Europe a month before the U.S. Gov't admitted COVID existed. And we've had the shots too.

Her sense of taste is not the same 3 years later.

We believe that if you've had the immunization, getting COVID is just not as life threatening. You can certainly still get it.

Posted by
1228 posts

David, I’m so sorry about your wife’s sense of taste. Fortunately, mine came back fully after 7 days but I know how aggravating it is especially when my husband at one point was telling me how wonderful the food in Portugal was. This is not just another respiratory infection as some like to claim.

Posted by
274 posts

Frank, I agree with Pam. You should definitely complain to Walgreens corporate. I used their online scheduling last week, got in the next day for the new booster with no issue. That pharmacist is not only incorrect, he's also dangerous. My guess is he had a different agenda, certainly not one supporting Walgreens Interest in keeping the public healthy.

Posted by
15141 posts

"The dead giveaway is when you lose your sense of taste."

Actually, there are other viruses that cause a loss of the sense of taste/smell. Since Covid we are all hyperaware of this symptom but it CAN be another respiratory virus.

Posted by
4074 posts

The pharmacies refused to give me a booster a month before I left because I wasn’t 65. I haven’t had one since September 2022.

Lulu, your experience was outrageous. Like you, I hadn’t had a booster since September 2022. I was leaving for Germany in the middle of September and wanted a Covid booster in the middle of August so I would be protected. I was 53 years old; I just turned 54. I had absolutely no problem getting the booster at Duane Reade, a New York City pharmacy chain owned by Walgreens. You should not have had to endure what you did. I’m so sorry.

The pharmacists with whom you dealt along with Frank II’s Walgreens pharmacist clearly can get away with making their own ridiculous decisions about boosters.

Posted by
16741 posts

I sent a note to Walgreens. Let's see how they respond. If they respond with anything more than a "We're sorry form letter."

Posted by
1138 posts

Unfortunately, Lulu, this current strain of covid is virulent. My husband and I also contracted covid in September while in Paris. We had avoided it for 3 1/2 years! We mask everywhere and eat outdoors, only. Fortunately, this vacation was one with no museums--we were museumed out from our December/January trip to France and Spain. So, no loss there.
I am 74 and my husband is 77, so we had our boosters in April but left for France before the new boosters were available.

The real scare for us was that my husband is a heart-transplant recipient with a very poor immune system due to his anti-suppressants. Another poster remarked about how MASKS WORK but more so when everyone masks. It's so true, but it is not happening anymore.

The good news is that our symptoms were very mild--no fevers, no stuffiness, just fatigue and aches. We were still able to walk around Paris. Plus, my husband finally has antibodies which he never got from 9 full Moderna and Pfizer vaccines!

I'm glad you posted this so that others who are traveling know how virulent this strain is.

I'm wishing you the best and a speedy recovery.

Posted by
16879 posts

The dead giveaway is when you lose your sense of taste.

Not always. I didn't know why my sense of taste was (and still is) all screwed up until I looked up the possible side effects of a medication I was on. Nope, not COVID.

Posted by
219 posts

Glad you’re feeling better!

I haven’t traveled since June, but I had Covid symptoms (chills, muscle aches, weird headaches, and extreme fatigue) and tested positive at home in September. I had been eagerly anticipating getting the updated vaccine as soon as it became available, but by the time it did, I had already caught the virus and recovered. So I guess I’ll put off getting the booster for a few more months, since catching the virus has presumably bought me at least a few months of immunity.

Posted by
2895 posts

So sorry for your illness. I also unexpectedly brought home COVID from a recent trip. Unlike others above, I had zero of the major symptoms (no fever, no loss of taste/smell, no aches, no chills) just mild congestion consistent with my normal allergies. The day after I got home I developed a deep cough (which prompted testing), but even that only lasted 2 days. My last booster was also in fall 2022 and I couldn't get the new one prior to departure because my local pharmacy didn't have it. I feel fortunate to have what appears to be a mild case....the bug is strong, and weird! Cheers to your speedy recovery, I hope you are 100% soon.

Posted by
633 posts

Latest stats on Covid cases on tours are up to 3% from 2.3% last month. I tell myself that is really still a small number but I’m leaving in 1 week for a solo trip to Prague, Budapest and Vienna and that is my one big worry. My husband and I got Covid in May on the RS Greece tour so I know first hand how disappointing and disruptive that is; I’m praying lightning won’t strike twice.

I’ve gotten the latest booster and will be masking in airport and flight and washing my hands like crazy and thinking positive thoughts. You hear that this latest variant is very transmissible and after reading all of this posting it seems very likely to be the case.

Posted by
2911 posts

I had similar symptoms in August 2022 and the fatigue lingered on for quite a while so sending sympathies your way, Lulu <3

I've been putting off the latest booster because there aren't any appointments available at the local pharmacies, but reading this thread makes me think that I might be willing to go some miles out of my way to get this booster sooner rather than later.

Posted by
6723 posts

I'm going on day 7 of pretty significant COVID symptoms. I have not lost my sense of smell or taste nor has my husband. I will say that due to the congestion, etc., my sense of taste is pretty off.

We seem to have a fair number of folks that just came back from France with COVID. I'd be curious if its similar for other countries in Europe. I also know that its up in the U.S.

I am sick enough that it gives me pause in terms of my travel activities. We avoided COVID for so long. This last trip was the first in a long while that we ate inside restaurants. Knowing what we know now, unless it was super important to me, I wouldn't do winery/brewery tours in tight quarters. I thought about it when we were in Bruges doing a brewery tour and one whole family was obviously ill, but we made it thru that. We also did the tour in champagne which is where I'm sure we got it.

My husband's take is that with the current illness and the updated booster, we should have great immunity for our February trip to New Zealand.

Posted by
302 posts

"There really isn't a lot you can do to prevent catching it except stay at home."
I think my response to this is apt, per the posting guidelines, since the Forum is for those who love to plan for and experience all the joy travel provides.
If you live alone in a detached home/unit, maybe? But if you share entries, have a spouse working outside the home, children in school, etc you will still be exposed- but have been nowhere.
I started traveling again this past spring, it had always been such a huge part of my life, and I follow a stringent masking protocol I believe has kept me from the virus. (I haven't had it yet.) It works for me. For those masking only in the "usual" crowded spaces ( airports, etc) you're protected, but it's likely and clearly not enough, as the virus continues to mutate and become more contagious, with ever less exposure time needed to become infected.
I put my focus on protecting myself and try (fairly successfully) to not get anxious about anyone around me. Where my frustration lies is others pronouncing COVID isn't a (potentially) debilitating disease. Just reading the array of experiences/symptoms on this new thread is evidence that everyone's body responds differently to it.
I look at my mask as an adaptive device- no different than a cane- that enables me to get back out into the world again. It baffles me, the looks and occasional snarky comments?! Would they react that way to someone with a cane?
Example: I overheard a mother tell her little boy as my plane boarded last week (he must have asked about my mask) "Oh, she must be very weak, not strong like us." Direct quote! Ok, at 4 it's not time for a full - blown immune system discourse or for him to worry about getting sick. But there's a judgement in her response, the same old "mask/us vs. no mask/them that has dragged on along with the virus and sometimes onto these Forum posts.

Posted by
3517 posts

We seem to have a fair number of folks that just came back from France with COVID. I'd be curious if its similar for other countries in Europe.

I tested positive two days after we got back from our trip to the UK in September. I was very miserable for three weeks. We are friends with another couple who both tested positive after their trip to England. My husband never tested positive.

Posted by
6723 posts

Re. Masks. Its too bad masks got politicized. My husband has been out and about and following the guidelines that he be masked post active COVID. People seem to just assume he has immune issues. No, he's trying to protect others from what, at this point, is a small chance that he could give someone COVID.

My husband and I travel quite independently. We do few tours during our trips. With this new wave, it makes me wonder about doing tours, RS or otherwise. I think my biggest fear is that we'd have to drop out of a tour that we'd been looking forward to.

Masking in some situations during travel makes so much sense to me. Who wants COVID, flu, or just a cold while traveling? I could kick myself for not wearing my mask during the wine tour. Going forward, I will wear a mask during travel on transportation and in tight spaces like tours, TSA and customs lines. Think about the customs line for a moment. You are with a bunch of people from around the world. A mask makes sense to me.

I'm not about to quit traveling, but I will be even more vigilant.

Posted by
38 posts

We were on the RS MSV tour, my husband and two others tested positive in Vienna. I tested positive four days later in Budapest. We were laughed at by locals when we wore masks in the subways in Munich, Vienna and Budapest. People on the train ignored us. We were disappointed that only one dinner on the tour was held outside. I had read that RS was going to provide more meals outdoors. All of us who shared the table at meals caught Covid. We all had our vaccinations up to date(early September). Luckily, we had Paxlovid with us, still coughing three weeks later.

Posted by
1077 posts

Barbara! I’m so sorry you rebounded and had to cancel your trip! That is so sad. I’m sorry. I never thought of that. Oh boy, I won’t count my stars after I test negative. How long did it take you to rebound?

Jules…I could have caught it anywhere. We were around people quite a bit in all different scenarios. It was foolish of me to think we wouldn’t.

Posted by
2176 posts

Exactly what Jules said! Also Dr. Birx! I have a tour booked for next September with two old high school friends. I’m not sharing a room with either of them for the obvious reasons. They are a bit PO’d but neither of them take any precautions and will not ever wear a mask! Wish me luck!

Posted by
945 posts

I tested negative on Days 6 and 8 and felt great, then positive again on Day 10. I’m on Day 15 now and feeling better as the congestion and cough taper off. I’ve had every vaccination possible except for the new one, which has just become available at Kaiser.

Edited to add that I tested negative again on Day 16. While I was never any more sick than a moderate head cold with cough, between my rebound and my husband's rebound, covid has disrupted almost 4 weeks of our lives, including causing us to cancel our trip to Europe.

Posted by
742 posts

dneesz, it is disheartening to hear you were laughed at while wearing your masks. It is frustrating to realize that too many parts of Europe have not understood the aerosol transmission aspect of Covid and other viruses; something engineers brought much education to us about this issue. Hand washing ‘theatre’ just doesn’t cut it. So much for what has been said elsewhere that if you choose to wear a mask, no one will pay attention. No wonder Covid continues to circulate so much and negatively impacts our travel, more than a basic cold.

Posted by
8658 posts

"The dead giveaway is when you lose your sense of taste."

Actually, there are other viruses that cause a loss of the sense of taste/smell. Since Covid we are all hyperaware of this symptom but it CAN be another respiratory virus.

Very true. I lost my sense of smell and taste about 5+ years ago before Covid was even heard of. I will say that using a Neti pot or one of those nasal sprays with water did help to bring it back early.

Posted by
503 posts

We have done 5 cruises with land trips…3 Europe, one Alaska, one Panama Canal since Covid began and industry restarted. Wore masks first 3 trips. No Covid after any of these trips. First Covid we finally had was this past February. At home….doing little then. We never knew of any known exposure? Nothing serious…bad congestion/cough for weeks. Go figure. Guess it was our time. It just goes to show me….keep traveling. It’s a risk no matter what we do. Be prepared with a plan. I always take tests, thermometer, cold/pain meds and masks. Weigh out your health history and risk factors. Travel insurance for sure. I think about the country we visit and their healthcare systems. Be realistic always….illness and injury happens.

Posted by
6723 posts

So going on Day 11, still have symptoms (like a cold) and STILL testing positive. There doesn't seem to be real clear cut criteria for entering back into society. I'm told I can test positive well after the virus is out of my body. However, I have seasonal allergies so it is difficult to know what is allergies and what is COVID.

I agree, you can get COVID anywhere so may as well travel. However, imagine losing 11+ days on vacation due to COVID! I guess I'm grateful I didn't become ill until I got home.

For me, the take away is that I'll be wearing masks even more.

Posted by
742 posts

Jules, I tested positive for 12 days in May when I had it. And yes, 8 of those days were on my trip in Paris and it was indeed a bummer as I felt quite unwell for 6 of the days. At first I thought it was allergies but not the case. Sigh.

Posted by
503 posts

I cannot imagine having Covid and testing positive for 11 days plus! But especially horrible while traveling! That would truly ruin a wonderful planned vacation. When I read how people get it after they get home….to me that’s almost a relief? And much less a problem. Yes…It may mess with your home life and work..etc….and you may feel pretty lousy….but you are home. I was always thankful for our travels after somehow avoiding getting any positive test results! I knew it could happen and yet we went. It’s a darn frustrating virus and many have suffered and still do!

Posted by
1077 posts

Totally agree, all2. I felt relief I was just sick at home after. Plus, I’m always happy if the vacation went well in other ways, my friend broke her toe on the 2nd day of a European vacation. Ouch and ouch.

Posted by
6723 posts

Yes, being sick at home is much better than sick somewhere else. Also, I'm thinking, this was our first trip where none of our accommodations had TV stations in English. No CNN, BBC, etc. What would I have done in a hotel room without a tv?! And to miss all my planned activities? Yes, I'm happy to be sick at home.

Right now, I'm going with the amazing immunity I'm gaining for my next trip.

Posted by
13 posts

Frank II please report that pharmacist to Walgreens HQ! That pharmacist needs to go! (good work going elsewhere and getting the booster)


ATTN: Consumer Relations
Walgreen Co.
108 Wilmot Rd, MS #2002
Deerfield, IL 60015

Posted by
503 posts

It seemed Sept/Oct fall travel and covid was a struggle for some of you. Hopefully you have now recovered from the long term cough and fatigue many suffer with. As Holidays and travel becomes ramped up again it will be interesting if covid becomes more a problem. I had a longing to do a last minute Christmas Market river cruise. Just not realistic for us this year. Still a dream trip one day. Hope all of you that do have travel plans stay well. I was just thinking how no one has reported covid updates lately.

Posted by
38 posts

I have friends on a river cruise along the Danube from Budapest to Regensburg. I know of two out of the ten who have contracted Covid, so it is still happening. Sounds like everyone on their excursion bus was coughing.

Posted by
14 posts

Lulu, reading this has helped me. My sister and I just returned from Italy in October and five out of eighteen of us in our tour group tested positive for Covid within 2 days of returning. We five all had the latest vaccine within two weeks prior to leaving and neither my sister nor I had ever had Covid prior to this. I had cancelled with RS since 2020 and finally decided that I felt safe enough to go with a smaller, local tour group. The ones that tested positive were all over 65, three others that had the cough and runny noses were in their 50's and tested negative. Thankful that we didn't get sick while touring because it zapped our strength for the full 10 days following our trip. As we were walking 7-9 miles per day in Italy, I can't imagine what it would have been like dealing with on the trip. I'm sure we would have missed a lot and what a disappointment it'd been if we had not been able to taste our way though Italy!

Posted by
10823 posts

Me too. But I’m spending five days of my family visit in the States isolated in my granddaughter’s bedroom. They’ll send turkey upstairs to me on Thursday. Some idiot in the seat next to me in the plane removed his mask to blow his nose several times and said he was coming down with a cold. The crew immediately moved me to another seat but obviously five minutes was all it took. And I’m vaxxed and was masked. The irony is that living in France I’m out and about in public transportation, on group trips and none of us gets sick. Five minutes next to this guy in the plane was all it took.

Edit: I’m pretty sure repeatedly using his gooey tissues in a small space, at his seat was as bad as if he had been coughing on us.

Posted by
1138 posts

Remember, being vaccinated for covid doesn't mean that you won't get covid. It is very likely that the symptoms will not be as intense and the duration will be less, though. My husband and I, in our 70s, had mild symptoms which didn't last long. We were able to walk the same number of miles in Paris that we generally do without having covid. My husband is high risk due to having had a heart transplant meaning he is immunocompromised. I hope this doesn't put people off from getting the new covid vaccine--get it--it might make a big difference.

Posted by
10823 posts

You are absolutely correct, Lindy. I have only a cough. Thank goodness I was vaccinated in October.
However, to protect the other mother-in-law, 81 years old and lives in the house full time and too recently boosted for it to be effective, I'm isolated until Friday.
;--) Catching up on bookclub reading and Netflix. Missing the family on the other side of the door.

Posted by
1138 posts

Bets, I'm glad for you that your physical symptoms are mild. Being "on the other side of the door" can be torture, though. Speedy recovery!

Posted by
6723 posts

For those who enjoy stats, like my family, a few things come to mind. I hear more about COVID with travelers than folks in my community. However, I'm planning a couple trips so I'm on a few forums so I "communicate" more with travelers than I do with people in my community. I've been hearing about people arriving to Hawaii and New Zealand and very soon after arrival developing COVID symptoms. Also, seems like I'm hearing that many travelers to Europe are coming down with COVID, with more seeming to contract it in Europe or on the way home. For me, I "mix" with people more when I travel, so that is certainly a factor. Also, it would be interesting to know what strains people are getting when they travel. I was freshly boosted prior to my trip to Europe but the new booster had not yet been released.

I'm a firm believer in hand washing. I had a heavily bandaged hand for most of my trip. It was impossible to wash thoroughly unless I wanted to rewrap the hand. Obviously, it is impossible to know how I contracted COVID, but there were factors that likely increased my chances of getting it.

Personally, for me the "take away" is that COVID is certainly out and about, and so without becoming a fanatic, I will do what I can to avoid it. I'll be freshly boosted prior to our trip to New Zealand the end of January. I feel the vaccine is our biggest "weapon". I will do what I can to start my trip with a strong immune system like being well rested. I will again mask in the airports and public transportation. I mask on planes when I'm not actively eating and drinking.

I can really only control my own behavior, but I hope the reaction to these cases influences people to get the boosters and be vigilant within reason as opposed to ignoring the existence of COVID.

Posted by
633 posts

Well said, Jules. You can only do so much. We got bit going to Greece in May after masking going over and being boosted etc. My husband got it after 5 days in country and I did too a few days later. I’m just back from 3 weeks in Central Europe and did the same things and this trip thank goodness I came home safely. Just luck, bad and good for both trips. So we keep doing what we can, masking when we feel we should, and hope for the best.

Posted by
263 posts

Just to let others know that the symptoms seem to be changing. My husband and I went to Amsterdam and surrounding areas the end of October. He had been at a work conference for 3 days before we left with people from across the country. The 2nd night he was up for several hours with stomach issues and chills. Then gone the next morning but extremely tired all day. Thought his blood sugars were off ( he has Type 2 Diabetes) but when he checked them they were fine. Next morning woke up perfectly normal. No cough and no congestion. He had the new booster end of September. We didn’t think anything of it. Flew home 3 days later. No issues. I always COVID test after traveling before I go out to see patients- I am in home health. Totally freaked out as test was positive. No symptoms but that afternoon sore throat and low grade fever then chills overnight. Next day congested but very very mild. Next day perfectly fine but still testing positive. Never tired and no cough. We assume my husband got at his work conference in Nashville (no flying for him he drove). I don’t think I would have tested if not for what I do for a living. I have not had the new booster as I had a heart reaction (inflammation) to last years booster that I took before our RS tour. Doctor does not want me to take any more boosters. I have noted several people in our area are not coughing with new cases of COVID. Just low grade fever, sore throat and congestion.

Posted by
6723 posts

While the symptoms vary between strains, they also just vary between individuals. I came down with a fever and chills (and tested positive) a day after we returned from Europe. I had a rather significant fever for four days, was sick for a good seven days and still tested positive 12 days later. A month later, and I still have a periodic coughing fit. My husband became symptomatic two days after we returned from Europe. He had a low grade fever for a day and then for about 7 days was overwhelmingly exhausted.

Because I was fairly sick given I was fully boosted, my sons who study this kind of stuff for a living commented that it would be interesting to know what strain/variant I picked up in France. In the end, it really doesn't matter. I'm just telling people that I brought home wine, spices and covid from France.

Posted by
263 posts

So true- symptoms can be very different between people. I only posted our experience after I saw what Bets said about sitting next to someone with congestion. Just because someone isn’t coughing doesn’t mean they can’t have COVID.

Posted by
2893 posts

While this thread is a few months old, it is still so relevant, unfortunately. We just got back from Iceland/Amsterdam on Friday evening and I caught Covid on the trip. At first, my daughter thought it was just my allergies, but then I thought it was a cold. I went to the pharmacy and got some cold medicine which helped. Yesterday morning though I just had a gut feeling and tested, sure enough it was positive. I went to urgent care since I have asthma and was worried. I am skipping Paxlovid as I have my next knee replacement in just a couple of weeks and did not want the rebound symptoms from this. The doctor said 1 in 4 that take Paxlovid will have the rebound symptoms, and if that happens then my surgery would be delayed. So I opted to just suck it up and deal with it and get it behind me. I am not feeling too bad, more just like a bad cold, but am really watching it.

With the timing, I caught it in Amsterdam, possibly the flight there. I don't remember being around anyone coughing, etc but apparently I was close enough to someone that was sick.

I feel bad because I really thought it was just a cold, so I inadvertently passed it along to others I am sure.

I texted my daughter yesterday and while she feels fine, she tested and was also positive. She has had it twice before so knows the routine, but this was my first. I managed to escape this for 4 years, sheesh!

Posted by
633 posts

Wow, mikliz, so sorry you got zapped. My husband got Covid last May while we were in Greece after 5 days. Soooo maddening. I went to Prague Budapest and Vienna in October and made it through thank goodness but I’m sure I will be somewhat worried when I’m in England in April and back to Greece in May. It’s still overshadowing travel even now.

Hope you feel better soon and sail through your knee replacement just great. Your next trip will be even better I’m sure. I’ve been following your preparations and comments from the road and much enjoying them, so thanks for that. Should I be looking forward to a trip report? Iceland to me seems very exotic 😁.

Posted by
2893 posts

Lyndash—thank you:) I can’t believe I’ve escaped Covid for four years, especially since my husband had it in Jan/Feb 2020! I’ll try to do a trip report in the next few days. I’m mostly just tired, so being forced to stay home is good.

Posted by
884 posts

So when you see me on my flight to California next month and to Europe in April, I’ll be the one wearing the N 95 mask. Except when I’m eating or drinking and basically for drinking, I just kind of lift it up and take a quick sip and put it back on. And since I find airline food, even in the front of the plane less than inspiring. I don’t eat much. I usually eat before I get on a flight.

No that’s not perfect but you know I managed to avoid Covid on a lot of trips. I went to Europe four times, I’ve gone to some major conferences Etc. If you wear a good mask I firmly believe (and my doctor believes) you can protect yourself to a good extent. Now I know that anti- maskers will say that masks don’t work, they don’t do anything to protect you, etc. etc. But I work in healthcare and I know a lot of medical professionals and I’m going with them. They Recommended wearing a mask on a plane but it needs to be a good mask. The cute cloth that matches your outfit - just skip it. An N95 or KN 95 mask, will help protect you. My friend, the flight attendant, wears one every flight and she’s on those planes from Atlanta to South Africa because she’s senior and gets a lot of hours and she has never had Covid either.

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290 posts

FYI, there is no way to know that someone “never had Covid” unless they tested every week since March, 2020. The CDC has confirmed that there are numerous asymptomatic cases so merely not feeling “sick” does not mean “never had Covid”. I respect the right of others to mask up, but not the claim of many posters on this thread that said masks helped them “never get Covid”. Ironically, I am currently on a plane with over 150 passengers and not a single mask in sight.

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2069 posts

Sorry but I've masked up on every flight and in stores and haven't gotten Covid ever. My parents only got Covid when they were at a person's house that had Covid but didn't tell anyone until afterwards.

Masking does help. My hospital quietly put in place masking up for ER and clinical patients. As for the person who said no one was masking on their flight-that's why Covid is on the rise again. Just ask any doctor. Unfortunately our government has given up the fight and keeps it quiet. And we still don't know how multiple bouts of Covid affect the body long-term.

Don't wear a mask. But don't laugh or act offended if others do. Courtesy for all.

And I know another couple who got back from a tour last week where some people on the tour got Covid. It's still out there.

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1138 posts

Thanks Heather. You speak for many. It's interesting how some cherry pick what the CDC states. The CDC also states that masks work and to wear them.

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2810 posts

I don't test every week.

I do test quite often after I come home from trips/conferences/sporting events where I am exposed to a lot of people. My mother is 87 and in hospice. I do NOT want to give her Covid. I can say fairly certainly that after any of these events I have not had covid. My friend the FA tests after all her flights.. No positive results/no symptoms.....

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2893 posts

Two negative tests! I’m feeling much better, mostly just tired but that could also be from everything that has transpired lately. I will still stay home for a day or two just to be sure.

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268 posts

So glad you are feeling better now mikliz97- and that you took the time to share your experience with others despite still feeling fatigue. I hope your surgery goes well and you are back to your active travel lifestyle soon!
Carol- I would surely like to sit next to you on my next flight! I, too, have stringently masked throughout the ongoing pandemic, continue to do so in my crowded school, and so, at least currently, am a proud "Novid". Although masks in my county are once again required of healthcare workers, a recent ER visit with a family member proved otherwise.
And with the CDC now ready to eliminate any Covid isolation guidelines really the only remaining option is to protect yourself if this is a priority to you- you are as likely to contract COVID from your grocery run as an overseas trip, it just takes that one contact with someone who knowingly or unknowingly can infect you.
(But to have "my right respected" to wear an N95 9+ hours a day on average (my record was 48 on a transAtlantic trip last summer!) to protect my health as an immunocompromised person? Really? This implies some kind of equity in the situation and it also feels insulting.)
Thanks again!

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2176 posts

I agree with Heather. My N95 is on before I walk into the airport. My longest use was on delayed flights from Madrid to Santa Barbara. 30 hours I don’t care if I’m the only one on a flight of 300 people wearing a mask. I can only do my best to at least diminish my chances of contracting Covid while traveling. We all will probably get it at some point, but let’s hope it’s not while traveling.
Yes, masks are beneficial.
Carol, I too would like to sit next to you on a plane!

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884 posts

The funniest thing was on my last flight. I had my mask on and the couple next to me, sat there for a little while, and then decided they should put on a mask. They probably thought I had something contagious. I wasn’t sure if I should tell them why I was masking or just ignore it. I decided on the latter option.

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343 posts

A positive byproduct of Covid is that mask wearing is more normalized now. I wear a mask in crowded situations, especially when flying (hate the sardine can boarding/offloading,) to avoid catching something that derails my trip, whether Covid, a cold, etc. Over the years I've sat on planes next to someone hacking away, and ended up with what they had. Clearly masks work or they wouldn't be part of the costume in surgery.