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How you can tell who is from the US…

They are the ones wearing the masks out in public.

I will speak for Austria, however, what I say is true throughout Europe. Throughout the pandemic, Austria has had strict masking rules with nearly 100% compliance. My neighbors and I wore masks everywhere for two years. I rarely (ever?) saw people not wearing masks when they should.

Austria also has provided free PCR tests the entire time as well as access to vaccinations.

Recently, due to various reasons, the masking rules have significantly relaxed. FFP2 masks are currently required on public transportation and in essential shops, like grocery stores. Austrians continue to comply at nearly a 100% rate with those rules. I’m on a public bus right now and everyone is masked, for example.

That said, if Austrians aren’t required to wear a mask, they won’t. You won’t see masks in the street. You won’t see masks in museums or at performances. So please stop being surprised or upset by the fact that Austrians/Europeans are only masking when required.

But I get it. American tourists need to test negative to return to the US. So you will wear your masks everywhere. Just don’t look down on locals for not having your issues or risks.

Posted by
4137 posts

We are balancing on that tight rope now. We just did a 10 day before departure self Covid test and tested negative. We wanted to do this because we will change locations tomorrow and will be around more vulnerable friends in Germany. If we had tested positive we could have stayed an additional week by ourselves where we are currently staying. This testing before flying back is a HUGE consideration to US travelers. In the city and area where we have been cautiously moving about, everyone is masked on public transportation, in museums and when walking into a shop. No one, including us is masked outside where we are fortunate to spend a lot of time. We’ve been taking our cues from locals but protecting our safe passage home at the same time. Everyone we’ve interacted with here in the past three weeks has been kind and somewhat helpful—our German has gotten a bit rusty…

Posted by
6113 posts

I am currently in Bayeux and visited the tapestry at 5pm yesterday. We have been very cautious about Covid and wear masks when indoors and keep our distance, so we were wearing ours yesterday. Unfortunately, a large group of 30 students were immediately in front of us with their 7 teachers and not a mask in sight. They were American.

The family group behind were also American and no masks, so not all Americans are concerned about not wearing masks.

I understand why people are concerned about testing positive when returning home, but there seems to be no consideration about what happens if they catch Covid mid holiday. In the past 2 months, 2 friends have had it which necessitated them having several days in bed and feeling rough for a fortnight.

I have seen less mask wearing in France than I see in the U.K.

Posted by
10758 posts

I haven't noticed any judgmental posts about people not being masked in Austria or Europe.

I live in France half the year. I mask up inside. About 10% of the people out and about are masked inside. That means 90% aren't. It's a choice and nobody cares what we choose It's an endemic disease in Europe, like the flu or a cold. Outside, I was masked due to the pollen this year in the South of France.

The only place I've gotten shade was back in the US this week, as I was masked up, waiting to board the connecting flight. I saw only a handful of others masked at either the airport or the hotel where we stayed, despite so many of these people having obvious co-morbidities.
It's really a different planet in the US. Nobody needs to worry about the choices we make in Europe.

Posted by
4683 posts

Remember that mask-wearing is also very different in different parts of the US. And some of the non-mask-wearing locations have better Covid rates than their mask-wearing countrymen. If you're concerned, trust your own KN95 and vaccinations and don't let other people's behavior trigger you-they're not as much of a threat to you as you think and fortunately the new variants of the virus appear to be more contagious but mostly less deadly than the early one.

Posted by
731 posts

A Canadian here. We have been travelling in France for 3 weeks. We wear N95 masks in all indoor settings because who wants to ruin an expensive vacation by getting sick. We also don’t want to get Covid again as we had it very early on (caught it travelling in London) and it was no fun; one of us has long Covid. We don’t want to put travel on hold forever as Covid isn’t going away but given its airborne transmissability, wearing an excellent mask is protective. Have seen 25% of bus riders in Paris this week with masks on although no longer required and many appear to be locals….(students, elderly, workers).

Posted by
10732 posts

I do what periscope does, both in Europe (recently returned from a 6 week trip) and at home. I am responsible for a couple of vulnerable people at home and didn’t want to risk both getting sick and not being able get home when we were traveling. Everyone has to make the decision regarding what’s best for them. I frankly don’t care what other people think about me wearing a mask.

Posted by
1258 posts

Heheh, I thought this thread was going to be about clothing. I can spot American digital nomads anywhere.

COVID: Masks rule. Well, masks can't hurt.

Posted by
4986 posts

I think Emily has a really good point here. And there ARE people here on the forum that seem to be shocked and appalled at arriving in various countries in Europe and seeing no masking when it is no longer required. There have been “conversations” here on the forum about the “inconsiderate people” traveling who are not wearing masks (but following all rules). Like both Mona and Emily said, there are good reasons for mask wearing by tourists - but we should probably all quit worrying about behavior by other people. Right now those of us in the U.S. are bounded by the requirement to have a negative test (or certificate of recovery) to return home; but that doesn’t apply to all people traveling, and certainly not to the people who actually live in the country we are visiting. If we travel, we choose our own risks, cheerfully know and follow the rules where we are, and take responsibility for our own choice.

Posted by
1433 posts

Yep, what Andrea said.

“ I frankly don’t care what other people think about me wearing a mask.”. I wear mine for me and my loved ones.

Posted by
1074 posts

I frankly don’t care what other people think about me wearing a mask.

Totally agree with this. I haven't left the US, wear my mask anytime I am indoors in a public place, and I don't give a hoot what anybody thinks. Not sure i understand a comment above about getting "shade" for wearing a mask here. I don't look around at anyone for their approval or whatever; how does someone notice these kinds of things? If anything, in summer 2021, there was more combativeness about mask wearing than there is now. Today nobody cares what anybody else does as far as I have noticed.

Posted by
159 posts

My husband, 13-year old daughter and I have all had 3 doses of vaccine (husband is getting a booster in a few weeks) and we all had COVID the last week of March. With our “hybrid” immunity, we don’t wear masks anywhere at home in Portland, Oregon. However we are heading to France for 3 weeks this July and plan to wear our masks on public transit or anywhere inside it feels “crowded” to us. The only reason is the chance of positive test before we head back to the US. With rates rising it’s unlikely the US will drop the pre-entry test any time soon, so masks it is.

Posted by
15135 posts

In SF now masking up is recommended or advised, is how "they" put, ie on the trains, buses, but still required on BART. Whether one is mandated or advised to have it on, people riding the bus or BART or the ferry have it on, almost exclusively.

I wear it anyway, inside or outside, recommended or mandated, no gives you a second look here. At least, I have not encountered that anywhere, out and about, be it entering a restaurant, on the ferry, bus, the train, BART, etc. If I did get a funny look, I would shoot back at them with the "how dare you !" look, taking a more belligerent attitude. Basically, one feels here no one really cares if you're masked up or not.

Re the comment, "I don't care ....." bravo !

If I were at this moment in Europe , most likely France, that mask would be on, regardless.

Posted by
5702 posts

I'm neither surprised nor upset about Europeans not wearing masks when they aren't required by their own country. Nor do I look down on them. However, like some of the PPs, we wear our KN95s when in crowded situations outdoors and when indoors for our own protection. You do you, but I've had long COVID and don't relish the idea of getting it again. Really don't care if I'm the only one masked up. Someone throws shade at me- they'll get the "Mom look" right back.

Posted by
8979 posts

Emily, you make a great point.

I was surprised when we arrived in the UK a few weeks ago that masking was basically gone. I realized that if you lived there under their isolation requirements that made sense. For residents it is similar to having the cold or flu. I decided just to worry about "me" and let the rest go. I think that is going to be the key in travel (living) during covid. You have to focus on being healthy yourself and not stress about the others.

As a follow up: My son decided he really liked the "no mask" approach. He didn't wear masks anywhere in the UK or on the plane. I wore masks indoors, in crowds, public transport, the theatre, and on the plane. We both tested negative to return home, but he was positive (and sick) with Covid within 2 days of our return. I have thankfully remained negative.

Posted by
2169 posts

My mask is on my face inside no matter where I go. I also wear it outside if I find myself surrounded by people. I too don’t care what people think if I’m sticking due to my mask.
A good fitting, quality mask just might reduce the viral load you take if you come in contact with the virus.

Posted by
5534 posts

Several of you understood my point, some of you didn’t. I have no issues with anyone wearing a mask in Austria - even above the requirements. I have issues, however, with someone expressing disdain or shock towards people not wearing a mask when they clearly don’t have to.

Posted by
10758 posts

Then why the ridiculous title "How you can tell who is from the US...?"

I can't tell and I live in both the US and Europe. Do you have a superpower that I don't have? Stereotyping is not my preferred way of looking at people.

Posted by
2836 posts

I'm kind of surprised that people would be upset about Europeans not wearing masks. Not many wear them here, at least in Pittsburgh.

As for the fear of testing negative before your return to the US, I understand that completely. But even if the test requirement goes away, I will probably continue to mask in Europe (or anywhere I go on vacation) because I don't want to get Covid and have to spend my vacation days in bed feeling lousy. Maybe I'd be lucky and have a mild case, but maybe not. Covid seems to be more contagious and potentially more debilitating than a cold. Maybe it just seems that way because it's all anyone talks about; I'm not sure.

Posted by
5534 posts

Then why the ridiculous title "How you can tell who is from the

To be a bit funny? It was meant to be cheeky but I guess that was lost on some.

Posted by
10732 posts

I’m with you Carroll. My goal is to stay healthy and to protect others, particularly vulnerable people like those I have to care for. On the other hand, when I’m outdoors and not close to others I don’t wear a mask. I’m planning on getting my second booster in late July or early August so I have better protection before we leave August 20th for a 10 week trip.

Last month, I think it was in Paris, I was in a crowded outdoor place and was wearing my mask. I didn’t notice that someone was trying to take a picture and I walked into his shot. I apologized and he told me I was welcome to be in his picture if I would take my mask off. Okay then…

Posted by
9341 posts

Here in the Land of La masks are required on public transport. They are “ suggested “ for indoor sporting events, movie theatres, card rooms and government offices that serve the public.

Had to stop at the Bob Hope Health clinic this morning for a blood test. Everyone including myself were masked. Shopped at two places on my drive home; Trader Joes and a 99 cent store. All staff at both places were masked. Most but not all customers were masked as well.

Had friends depart from Oakland to Kauai this morning. My friend said everyone was masked.

Off to London in a few months. I’ll be masked on the flight and will mask up while there if attending theater or using public transport.

From my POV wearing one seems prudent.

No judgement but I value my health.

Posted by
4073 posts

I find it outrageous when people start chastising others no matter if they are pro-mask or anti-mask. The lack of civility is disdainful. Personally, I can’t stand masks and wear them only when the political rules mandate them.

Posted by
78 posts

We have two more days of a three-week trip to Italy. We brought home tests and have tested every few days. With only two more days we just tested again, negative. I am not leaving my hotel room now until we go to the airpot. I am not traveling again until this testing thing ends; it's just too stressful.

Posted by
1138 posts

Emily, have you yourself actually realized any disdain or shock from Americans wearing masks? Because it seems such a broad statement and sounds like American bashing. For what reason?
Can you give an example of your premise? Something real and not a perceived slight.
I am in Germany now and I have not encountered anything remotely like anything you say in my travels here.

Posted by
7354 posts


Why wait til airport?
That seems more stressful and time consuming and likely more expensive
Test the day before in Rome at a pharmacy, so easy

Posted by
8979 posts

@treemoss. Look through the entire thread where some clarifications are given.

There was no “American Bashing” here. Emily was pointing out that much of Europe is taking a different approach to Covid than we deal with. One needs to not complain about the European approach, but respect the differences when traveling there are talking about traveling there.

Posted by
808 posts

I'm kind of surprised that people would be upset about Europeans not wearing masks. Not many wear them here, at least in Pittsburgh.

I have the same thoughts as Carroll. We haven't seen much mask wearing in the western suburbs of Detroit for months, not even in crowded markets and department stores. The norm here is that the unmasked cast shade on the very few who are masked and I can't imagine any of us casting shade on the unmasked in Europe. It's tragic though because infection rates are climbing so high and so fast again in MI. Many schools and locales are restarting mask mandates but I can't imagine people will acquiesce to mandates again. Sadly we just learned that our favorite corner market has closed for a week because 6 of the staff of 8 are sick guessed it.

You won't be identifying Michiganders because hardly any of us will look askance upon the unmasked. I think you'll have to revert to the historic ways of identifying Americans in Europe....are any of us really undetectable? :)

Posted by
2063 posts

Fact: Covid cases are rising worldwide.

Fact: Mask wearing in Western countries is down significantly.

Why someone should care that I am wearing a mask inside/out is weird. The Japanese seem to cope just find with people wearing masks inside and out. The western world seems to take offense at this.

I don't care if you don't wear a mask, just don't comment about the people that do. A little kindness is something we need.

Signing off and waiting for new episodes of RS Travel.

Posted by
15135 posts

If I were over at this moment , in Germany specifically, undoubtedly I would have the mask on...regardless. The chances of hearing some snide comment from the locals, in terms of eavesdropping, which language and accent wise are much easier for me to cut through, is almost nil. If so, my reply is, "na, und?" I rate that chance far, far greater in states here or in parts of Calif than over there, be it in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Munich, etc.

There are a lot of other ways I can be spotted out as American in terms of traits betraying me as such, or, certainly, not from over there, ie, not having grown up there , etc, Bottom line....I stay masked.

Posted by
8979 posts

I am wondering how on earth the purpose and meaning of this post got so distorted by subsequent posts? It reminds me of that game we used to play as kids “telephone” where you would whisper something in the ear of the person sitting next to you, they would repeat it to their neighbor , etc until it got to the end of the line. The last person would announce the statement aloud and it rarely came close to the original statement!!

That has happened here. Emily tried to explain why Americans should not complain about Europeans not wearing masks, either in Europe or on this forum. Somehow it morphed into people thinking it was an attack on people wearing masks or making fun of people wearing masks . Nothing could be further from the truth.