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Got my French Pass Sanitaire online (via Switzerland)

Just a quick lil bit of info to share with all -

An upcoming trip had involved some time in France, for which I'd downloaded France's TousAntiCovid app and was prepared to visit a pharmacy soon after arriving. We ended up canceling the French portion of the trip, though, and decided to just limit our vacation to the UK.

Then news about England implementing NHS Covid Pass requirements came along, so I figured I'd still look in to getting the French Health Pass, or any EU digital vaccination certificate, as those are compatible with the UK's system. I just didn't feel entirely comfortable a US CDC card would be accepted anywhere and everywhere we might need it, since it looks so... well... primitive.

I applied online for a Swiss vaccination/covid certificate. It costs 30 euros, you fill out a form and upload identity and vaccination proof (passport PDF, CDC card PDF), as well as proof of an upcoming visit to Switzerland such as a hotel reservation. Yes, this means I need to go to Switzerland as part of my trip. I was told it'd take 5 days for it to be reviewed, and like clockwork my Swiss pass showed up on day 5 (automatically to the Swiss cert mobile app I'd downloaded). I scanned the Swiss QR code with my French TousAntiCovid app, and a French Health Pass was immediately generated.

Swiss covid cert info here:

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