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France: if Covid +, can I go outside? Plan B options

For Plan B options in France if I were to test Covid +, am I allowed to go outside during the 7 days if I can self-isolate? Such as go for a walk or ride a bike in the countryside (obviously not in a city or where I might have contact with people).

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10753 posts

The letter I received from the French National Health Care in November stated "isoler strictement" and included the following list. The first rule was not to go out.

"Charte de l’isolement
Pendant 10 jours, je m’engage à :
Rester isolé.e à mon domicile, ou dans un hébergement dédié, et ne pas sortir
Ne pas partager de repas avec les membres de mon foyer et dormir seul.e si possible
Porter un masque dès que je me déplace chez moi si je n’habite pas seul
Me faire livrer mes courses
Ne recevoir personne chez moi, y compris des livreurs, qui doivent rester dehors
Nettoyer les pièces que je partage avec mes proches notamment les toilettes et la salle
de bains
Ne pas partager les objets du quotidien avec mes proches (savon, serviettes, couverts, ...)
Aérer régulièrement mon domicile
N’avoir aucun contact avec une personne fragile (+ de 65 ans, personnes malades,
femmes enceintes, ...)
Ces consignes d’isolement s’appliquent également aux personnes de mon foye..."

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8976 posts

Okay, I don't speak French. I use google translate. I admit it. Here is what it said Bets post says

"Isolation Charter
For 10 days, I agree to:
Stay isolated at my home, or in dedicated accommodation, and do not go out
Do not share meals with members of my household and sleep alone if possible
Wear a mask as soon as I go home if I don't live alone
Have my groceries delivered
Do not receive anyone at my house, including delivery people, who must stay outside
Clean the rooms that I share with my loved ones, in particular the toilets and the room
Do not share everyday objects with my loved ones (soap, towels, cutlery, etc.)
Ventilate my home regularly
Have no contact with a fragile person (over 65, sick people,
pregnant women, ...)
These isolation instructions also apply to people in my household..."

Posted by
395 posts

thank you. I believe that the 10 days was modified in 2022 to be 7 days for fully vaccinated/boostered persons and as few as 5 days if their antigen test is then negative at day 5 and not symptoms for 48 hours. So, I was wondering if outside activity while self-isolating also might have been modified.

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1667 posts

The only thing that has changed is the duration of the isolation period. Other than that isolation still means isolation. So no, you can’t go outside for a walk or bike ride.

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531 posts

This is my biggest fear for my upcoming trip: being stuck inside my hotel room in a random city by myself. And I'm guessing the small-town don't have convenient food delivery.