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FFP2 masks

So I was reviewing some requirements for museums in Vienna today. Currently one of the requirements is wearing an “FFP2” mask. I tried looking these up online but was confusing. I have heard of N95s, KN95s, but never a FFP2. Does anyone know what is unique about these and if. KN95 would work in its place? I have both N95s and KN95s. Thanks.

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4657 posts

I dis a quick google search for 'european ffp2 mask' and there were numerous hits and 3M has a comparison chart. It is comparable to N95 and K95 one use disposable mask. The one use surgical masks don't seem to be sufficient.

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497 posts

Ok I guess we will take both N95s and KN95s, the KN95s are a lot more comfortable and I have plenty of those. Thanks, I did search too but couldn’t really make heads or tails if they’re substantially different from the FFP2s. We had planned to take a bunch of KN95s as it is, will wear on the plane, trains, etc. even though we’re vaccinated.

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4657 posts

Yes, it seems confusng but I expect that as long as it looks similar to the N95 or KN95 level of filtration it will work. There will be plenty of tourists with a variety of masks, but if it is more fitted than a fabric or one use surgical mask, it should work.
Good to know the KN95 may be more comfortable. I work in the surgical masks most days, so haven't used a N95 even....though I expect future travel will add those to my suitcase too.

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9182 posts

Anybody know the availability of the FFP2 mask over there? Readily available for purchase, or are their shortages like in the US for N95?

N95 is a US-standard set by NIOSH so not surprising they would have their own standards over there.

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1330 posts

FFP stands for filtering face piece and the requirements are set in a British / European standard (BS EN 149 if you want to read it! Honestly, please don't bother!). FFP2 is the middle level and we use them a lot in my industry for respiratory protection from some metal dusts.

Although there are some slight differences of detail compared to the American N95 and Chinese KN95 standards, they are basically the same thing - and they all look the same at a casual glance (at least as compared to a simple cloth mask for example) I certainly can't imagine a museum checking the marking on everyone's mask to see if it is the right FFP2/KN95//N95 "version". But if you were concerned you can buy FFP2 easily in lots of places from builders merchants to supermarkets to pharmacists (at least here, I have no idea about Austria). You could even buy in advance via Amazon. But, personally, I wouldn't worry.

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497 posts

Thanks Nick, helpful explanation. I think we’ll take the KN95s which are tight fitting but much more comfortable than the N95s and then maybe buy a handful of the FFP2s while we’re there.

Posted by
293 posts

Anybody know the availability of the FFP2 mask over there? Readily
available for purchase, or are their shortages like in the US for N95?

I don't know about Austria, but I would assume it is pretty similar to how it is in Germany: FFP2 is required for many things here, and is very, very easy to buy. Every grocery store I have been in for months (since they made it a requirement to wear medical masks rather than cloth ones) has a selection of them, often a few different brands to choose from. Depending on where you buy, they are between maybe €0,80 and €1,50 per mask, so not that expensive.

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329 posts

For what it's worth, the Korean KF94 masks meet the same standards as the EU FFP2.

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2810 posts

And honestly, there’s no longer really a shortage of N 95 mask that you should be able to get them. I ordered some just a few weeks ago-showed up in about a week . And this is the company that tells you they prioritize medical providers before the general public

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5568 posts

Vienna person here. Everyone in Vienna knows that the N95 is the same as the FFP2. You must wear FFP2/N95 masks everywhere at the moment and you can buy them at any grocery store, Apotheke, etc. no reason to bring masks from the US. All of this said, cloth masks can be worn from late July instead of FFP2.