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Delta Fly Ready not working?

So here’s my “don’t panic” post

If you are flying Delta or one of it’s partners and Fly Ready tells you you don’t meet the requirements, you need an unexpected test, or you need a test- DO NOT PANIC

This system is badly named. It really should be called “not ready”. A friend who works for Delta says the phone agents are getting hundreds of panicking calls a day on this disaster.

It’s especially problematic for kids. It appears that it often still assumes that they are not even eligible for a vaccination so they do need a test

Give it one shot, if it doesn’t work don’t panic, don’t spend hours of your vacation or your personal time fighting with a useless IT operation. Just take your documentation to the airport and check in there.

I have traveled internationally several times since Delta introduced this disaster. I don’t even try anymore.

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3 posts

This past weekend I submitted my documentation and was cleared and my husband is still having issues we are leaving for Italy in June. So good to know I’ll just have him take his documentation to the Delta counter. Appreciate you posting this.

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49 posts

Delta FlyReady really didn’t help me at all. I flew into one of only three countries left that require the EU plf form, and their FlyReady said “country not supported”, so I couldn’t go further, nor check in online. When I called Delta, they said everything was fine, no problem, just check in at the airport. It was a mess. I wish I would have researched further when I couldn’t complete the FlyReady, but stupidly I trusted the agent.

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211 posts

I have traveled internationally four times since the start of the pandemic, and FlyReady hasn't worked once for me.

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15183 posts

I was completely shocked that I got FlyReady to work on my outbound flight (in April) including check in AND boarding passes all the way to Paris. I still had to show my passport, CDC card and PLF at bag check. On the way home from AMS it didn’t work so knew I just needed to show my documentation at the airport. I did get my negative Covid test loaded and approved but that was as far as I got.

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3 posts

Thanks for this page!!! Glad to see we're all in the same boat... I just spent over a half hour on chat where the agent couldn't help. We're travelling to France this July and while two of our family members (parents) were able to enter our CDC cards successfully, our two minor children were only given the option to upload negative COVID-19 test results, which aren't required by France currently. The agent said we had to physically bring their cards to check-in. So the FlyReady service is basically useless if you're trying to save any time at the airport. Thank goodness we're traveling business class and will have dedicated priority check-in and security screening in Montreal YUL, where we fly out (given Canada's current issues with long check-in and security queues). Otherwise this could have been a serious time suck at the airport.

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33 posts

This is helpful. I just returned from BOE14 and booked through Delta flying KLM partner. I used the Fly Ready link and it worked flawlessly. Both my husband and I were on the same reservation so I used the 'select a passenger' to toggle between us in the app. We both received green check marks and at check in, "ready to fly" appeared on our boarding passes in the KLM app. We carry-on, so we never had to go to the counter. Returning from Paris, we had to wait until the day before to enter the forms - approvals were almost instant. Again, we skipped the counter at CDG and went right through security with our "ready to fly" tag on our KLM boarding passes. No one ever asked for documents. It was a very smooth process for us. However, I am traveling to BO Paris in July with my 17-year old daughter and i looks like that may cause an issue. I appreciate the information you have provided - thank you.

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148 posts


I also booked my flights through Delta but my flight to Paris is a codeshare flight by Air France.
Do I need to upload the vaccination record to both Delta and Air France, or just Delta? Thanks!

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33 posts


I used my Delta app for everything prior to the actual travel day. I booked through Delta, and used Fly Ready on Delta app but on travel days, my gate info and boarding times didn't come through on the Delta app so I downloaded KLM app (and created an account) and that is when I noticed the green "Ready to Fly" tag on my mobile boarding pass in the KLM app. I only entered the info once, in Delta. Same for my return, I entered the documents in my Delta App and it transferred to KLM.

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148 posts


I entered the documents in my Delta App and it transferred to KLM.

That's exactly what I'm hoping for; it will make thing simple. Thanks!!

Posted by
727 posts

I entered my information with Delta FlyReady. Initially it was rejected due to a need for a vaccination within 270 days of travel to enter Germany. Upon receiving a booster and uploading the details my documents were accepted and deemed complete for travel.

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11 posts

Thank you for this thread! We're flying to Europe via Delta in two weeks, and today I started trying to upload our info to FlyReady, only to get automated emails right away claiming I don't qualify as fully vaccinated. I'm boosted, so that cannot be right, but I began to panic anyway. Then I figured I should check the RS forums, and it appears this is a known issue. :)

So basically it is not necessary to use FlyReady at all? It's been years since I've not checked in online 24 hours ahead of time for a flight, and the thought makes me nervous, but I guess we could try it.

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2810 posts

I’m sitting here laughing

I just decided to try Fly Ready again

Didn’t get vaccination loaded but the system says I’m good.

I expect the agents will have to physically check

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2708 posts

Meanwhile, I'm still stabbing away fruitlessly on the "select files" button...

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2810 posts

I gave it one shot if it doesn’t work I quit. I’m not their testing department

This is about my third international flights since they put this abomination in and this is the first time it’s worked at all. And it’s still inaccurate 😂

Posted by
148 posts


Didn’t get vaccination loaded but the system says I’m good.

I uploaded my CDC vaccination card the first time when I tried. Not sure if this makes the difference: I uploaded both a photo of my vaccination card and also a photo of my vaccination QR code that I got from my healthcare insurance company.

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2915 posts

FWIW my experience - I successfully loaded all documents in FlyReady well in advance. 24 hours before departure it told me to check in via app but it would
not allow us to check in ahead of time. At Portland airport for departure they asked to see all of the original documents (passport, vax card) and the agent couldn't see any of the info I had loaded. Saved me zero time sadly. Won't bother with it on return from Amsterdam.

Posted by
159 posts

We leave for France in a few weeks. I successfully uploaded my vaccine information, husband’s was rejected because it could not be “verified” (we received our vaccines at the same time) and the system showed that my 13-year old who is fully vaccinated needed submit a negative covid test (not required for entry to France). So yeah, a waste of time for our family and we will be checking-in in person.

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2810 posts

So the next question thar is going to arise is does the Delta app know you don’t have to test negative to return to the United States. Considering how long it has been since we were able to get young people under the age of 18 shots and the app hasn’t been adjusted for that, are you very optimistic? I’m not

Posted by
2708 posts

OK, maybe others know about this already but I just went to Delta's FlyReady on my laptop to upload mine and my husband's CDC cards and it worked instantly!

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398 posts

also reporting that could not load vaccine card-error mssg. No issues just showing vaccine card to KLM agent 2 weeks ago.

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2169 posts

The Delta Flyready app work great for us when we traveled 2 weeks ago. No problem uploading all our documents. We made hardcopies of everything as a back-up. This was good because we were asked to show them (twice) at the airport. So, why have the app?

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2810 posts

They had to have an app because all the other airlines have one.

The staff doesn’t even try to figure out if it’s going to work. And from what I was told by Delta employee even if you get a positive response back from the app that doesn’t always flow through the Delta system. All I can figure is it was a low bid contract - I hope they got a deal

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1 posts

The page continues loading and loading and loading, we need to come back to US but the page to submit the documents is not working at all.

Really Really bad service.

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1 posts

Thanks for this post. I tried to check-in online and got the message. Those non-existent dumbos at third party booking website have links telling you that it's easy to check in. It is, until you come across this idiot called FlyReady.
My ticket isn't eligible.
I'll just turn up early at the check in desk.

Thanks again for your post.

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1 posts

My boyfriend and I are leaving for Italy on Thursday and for some reason delta fly ready says part of his trip is not eligible for him to upload documents. However, I can’t even find what “documents” are needed for the airport. I know we no longer need to take a Covid test so other then usual passport, id, and most likely vaccination card.. what else do we need documentation wise?