We will be traveling in France and the Netherlands this fall. Our travel insurance requires verification from testing at a pharmacy, a doctor visit, or a telehealth visit with a doctor present remotely. A pharmacy test sounds pretty simple, but can we expect that option to be available? Any insight or advice offered would be appreciated. (Hoping we won't need this information, but putting together a Plan B, just in case)
This map shows where COVID tests are performed (lieux de dépistage). Enter the name of the town and it will show where test locations are. From what I've read, if you don't have medical coverage in France and you don't meet the criteria for high risk, the cost is reportedly around 40€ per test.
This is another link that might help as well. You'll have to know the department number (first two digits of the postal code for your location) and what kind of test you want.
This information is for France only. Can't speak for Netherlands.
I think your best option is the telehealth plan.
To add to Sammy’s info, at this time testing is done at laboratories in France. Patients go directly to the labs in France where all sorts of procedures are performed. If you go in the morning, you’ll have your PCR results late in the day. I tested at a lab three weeks ago.
You should still be able to find a pharmacy that performs the quick test. Using Sammy’s first link, I found my lab that does PCR. Meanwhile, the pharmacy next door to it does the antigen test. Useful website.
Thank you all for your helpful responses. The information provided helps me feel comfortable with my "plan B".