A co-worker just got a terrible case of COVID after returning from Oktoberfest 2023 in Germany. She didn't get COVID on a plane or airport; she got it during an actual Oktoberfest event.
I was planning to visit Normandy and the Loire Valley in December, but now I am reconsidering. I am perfectly happy with masking up in museums and eating street food outside during the day, but at night I like to sit at a nice restaurant, and this is where my COVID fear comes in. I'd also want to go cider tasting in what I presume will be indoor tasting rooms. Lots of European cities offer outdoor dining these days, but I am not seeing a ton of such options in the dead of December in northern France; go figure. Are there such options, or should I just postpone the trip?
(Does anywhere in Europe offer a ton of decent outdoor dining options in December? Or am I just being unrealistic?)